Starbucks Date - Part 1

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Ring ring, i looked at the phone it had just turned 9 am anyways i had an incoming call from "Streeaakkyyy Tan" an no her name wasnt really streaky tan.. her real name was Jemma, an she was my bestfriend in whole wide worlddd. i knew exactly why she was calling. Yep. she called just to make sure i was awake so i wouldnt be late for our starbucks date. "Hello" i answeredm sounding very sleepily haha. "Ay you, get your fatt ass outta bed now before i come and drag you out!" ow i thought to myself as she kinda screemed it down the phone. "Alright im getting out of bed! byee!" i said while putting down the phone. I am now officially wide awake thanks to my besfriend!! After i put the phone down, i had a little look on instagram, and faceboook. As i was scrowling through my newsfeed on facebook, i got a friend request, an he was quite the looker! it was weird he only had 1 mutual friend and that was Gemma.  I decided i'd press 'accept' considering he was a goregeous one.i jumped in the shower and had a long little think. when i got out the shower I pluged my phone into my water speakers and blasted some tunes. i just put some black leggins on, a pink summery vest top type of things, and a pair of white sunglasses considering it was sunny out.  I was only going to spply a little bit of makeup because it was warm out and i didnt want my makeup to get all sweaty.  I put my essentials in my bag, phone, perfume, deodrant, makeup.. etc. i picked up my bag as  i was leaving my room an shouted by to my dad. As i left the house i pulled my phone out and called Gemma. "Gemma, im on my way to yours i'll be around 5 minuetes" she just made an agreeing noise and put the phone down, but that wasnt like Gemaa.. hmm. I plugged my headphones in and walked to Gemmas so that we could walk into town together. Around 5 minuetes later i arrived at hers i didnt have to knock as she was already stood outside. We ran up to eachother and gave eavhother the biggest hug ever.  I wrapped my headphones round my phone and placed it in my bag. As we were walking towards town we just had normal conversations. As we reached the doors of startbucks i could see there was a group of boys in there, but i didnt say anything to her knowing how insecure she was about her image, especially iinfront of groups of lads. As we walked through the door i knew she had seen them because she started to grip my arm. I said that i would get the chairs and she'd oder the drinks, i looked around to see if there was any other seats available but no. the only seats that were available were the ones next to them lads. as i walked towards the empty table all four boys looked at me. OM MY LORD WERE THEY TIDY OR WHAT! OMG THEYRE LIKE OM MY FLIPPIN BLOODY BANANAS GORGEOUS!??! OKAY IVE JUST DIED INSIDE. i need to play it cool. I sat down an then Gemma came over and gave me my drink. Once she sat down she gave me this look, asif to say that them lads were gorgeeeeeeeous, Which meant she felt okay around them.  We were just talking about coursework when a boy with brown curls came over to us and said hello. Me an Gem just looked at eachother and laughed. i decided that i couldnt leave this gorgeous boy just standing there, so i said hi back and patted on the chair next to me gesturing for him to sit down. Which he did. Soon enough all of us were getting along an talking to eachother. We hadnt realised that we had been talking to these boys for the past 6 hours, plus it was time for starbucks to close. "Emm im hungry, im not sure if you guys you fancy grabbing something to eat" Connor jumped up out his seat an shouted "Yes I know the place! Nandos!!" as soon as he said nandos all the boys jumped up an shouted " NANDOS".  I thought that was cute. "Guyss.. well weve never actually been to nandos.." they just all looked at me in shock. Connors face! omg im in love with it! i know i havent knew him long but yeahh he's so niceeeee! 


We all ended up in Connors house, but when i say house i mean mantion! it was just amazing!! By the time we had played truths, watched about 3 different movies, it was getting late. I looked over to Gem an she was fast asleep on James."Connor i think im gonna go, an take Gem home" i said standing up off the couch. "NO!" all the boys said in sync. an then Connor turned round and said "Your stayin gth night, you just lend one of my tshirts for bed, oh an youcan stay in bed because i have room, haha" well looks like i was staying the night in Connors bed.  We all decided to go to bed considering it was around one, Gem was just gonna stay in James's bed. 

*Connor pov*

This girl was truly amazing! i know i only met her a few hours ago but i think i liker her! Alot! I moved my head to see if she was awake, but she was fast asleep. Soon after i drifted off.. "GO AWWAY, DONT TOUCH ME PLEASEEE, OW. NO PLEASEEE DONTTT!!!"  I jumped out of bedas i got the shock of my life an then realised that she was having anightmare. So i went over and hushed her but you could see the tears run down her face...


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