Imagine 1

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You were sat downstairs on the couch watching the music channel.Your favourite song came on 'Pompeii - Bastille' you got up and had a little dance on your own. You  heard your boyfriend come down the stairs but you still carried on dancing. "OWWW!!!!!" you screamed in pain. He didn't stop, he just kept punching you like as if you were his punch bag. You tried pushing him away but he wasnt having none of it an then he slapped you and dragged you round the room, just like a toddler would drag their teddy round. He kicked you for the last time an left. You were so scared knowing he could come back any minete and do it all over again. You couldn't deal with the anger outbursts and the abuse anymore so you quickly packed your assentials and left. Once you shut the front door and walked down the path, a boy with gorgeous brown eyes and brown mousy curls stopped you in your tracks and asked if you were okay. You just shook your head and burst into tears, he came even closer and hugged you. He said "do you want to tell me whats wrong? or you can tell me over a cup of tea my house?" You said you were fine but he inisited you went to his and told him what happened. A few streets later and you reached his 7 bedroomed house. He opned the door and led you to the kitchen with his arm around your waist. "Boys this is.. whats your name?" you replied with "Y/N" (taking one of those extra breaths as you do when you stop crying). A super tall blonde boy stood up and said "come on boys, we should leave these two. We're going for a starbucks, Brad text us when use have finished". he just nodded. he gestured for you to sit down while he went and filled the kettle up. "Im guessing your name is brad then" he replied "Yes it certainly is,do you have any sugar?" you just nodded and put your idex finger up. he came over with your cup and placed it on the kitchen table. "I know you've just met me in the street, but you kow you ca tell me anything!" you began to tell him what happend and what was life was like with your 'boyfriend. He came over to you and gave you one of his hugs, which were warm and cosy. He kissed your head, an said "im not taking no as an answer! You can stay here for a awhile. There's a spare room next to mine you can stay there" you just nodded knowing that you couldnt say no because he wouldnt accept it so you just said "thank you" and gave him a kiss on the cheek, you could see his face light up. He took you upstairs, showed you the bathroom and the room you were going to stay in. "im going downstairs, i'll give you time to settle down and get a shower, need any help just shout me!" he said enthusiastically.

You got your pyjammas out your bag, got undressed and put your towel round you. You walked to the bathroom only to realise you didn't know how to work the shower. "BRAD!! I NEED YOUR HELP! BEADD!!" he came unning up the stairs.


"yes my lady, what do you need help with?"  I felt like royalty being called 'my lady'. "erm well I kinda dont know how to use the showerr" i said whilepulling a cute confused face. he just laughed and said "I will teach you! you know because im a baddass Brad andcando anything" I just laughed, the first time I had laughedin ages. He went over to the shower, next minute I felt water hit me.. Brad had put the shower on, not checking where the shower head was pointing. So i got the shower head and drenched him, and said "PAYBACK! HA!!" we just looked at eachother and fell to the floor with laughter. "ermm Bradd...have you seen the state of this bathroom now?" he looked around an asid " it'll dry up, come on lets go get dry andput our jarmies on an then watch fillmss with popcorn!!" he said like an over excited child. I'd just realised, I only brought one set of pyjammas and well they were kinda wet.. "Brad I have another problem.. my pyjammas are wet, and I only brought one pair" hetookmy hand and took me to his room. " it's fine you can wear one of my t-shirts and a pair of my boxers as shortts" i replied with an overly enthusiastic "okay"


Me and Brad were sitting on the couch watching 'Finding Nemo' when he text the boys saying they could come back, if they brought Dominoes in. The boys text back seconds later asking what pizza we wanted. Brad gave me the menu for me to pick from and i pointed at the 'New Yorker'. "NO WAY! I LOVE THAT ONE! THAT MY FAVOURITE!!" he text the boys back telling them what we wanted. i offered Brad money to pay for the pizza but he didnt want it. *RING RING RING RING* I  loked at my phone and i just froze when i read who was calling. Brad straight away knew who it was and asked if i was okay. I didnt reply so he came next to me and pulled me into him and said "Your safe, honestly. your with me and the other 3 boys.. that's when they decide to come back with the pizza" that made me smile. Before i knew it we were eating our pizzas and we were all getting to knw each other. I didn't tell the rest of the boys about what happened earlier today." Oh by the way boys Y/N is staying with us for a while, she willbe staying in the spareroom next to mine" everyone agreed an then Connor said "Does that mean we can have sleepover partys and watch films and have loads and loadsof sweets everynight?" we all just agreed and laughed a little. i know i only met Brad and the boys a few hours ago but I really did feel safe. We all decided to go to bed at around 10. It was only mine and Brads room on the first floor. So we all said our goodnights and then went into my room.


I just couldn't get to sleep, an it was like 1 o'clock so i decided to have a little look on twitter. As I was looking through the teets iheard a little cry. straight away I knew it was Y/N becuase she was the only one on my floor.i decided to knock on the door and go in. I seen lying there cying her eyes out. I went up yo her and hugged her tight, trying not to put pressure on her bruises and asked her whats wrong. she showed mea text off her so called 'boyfriend'.

I'm going to post a part two but that will probably on twitter :)

Sorry for any mistakes. Hope you like it - Yarna x

Twitter- @VampsImaginez

The Vamps Imagines - TristanEvans/JamesMcVey/BradSimpson/ConnorBallWhere stories live. Discover now