Chapter 11

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( 2 years later )

** Kennedy's POV **

Today is Harmony and Noah's graduation. I can't believe my babies are already graduating and going to college. It feels like just yesterday Taylor and I were at the hospital and meeting them for the first time. We've all came a long way. And I'm glad Taylor has stuck by me this entire time. We've got past our difficulties and made it through.

Noah and Harmony are already at the school. So Taylor and I arrive, we walk into the gym and take our seats next to Harmony's friend Madison's parents. Taylor and I have became really close to her family since Harmony and Madison have been friends since kindergarten. Madison is also Noah's girlfriend. What a coincidence?

At 7:00pm, the principal of Princeton High School Mr. Arnold goes up and gives his speech.

" Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress and working together is success. As we look back over the last few years, certainly there was a beginning, and thankfully there was also progress and yes - undeniably we have been successful!

But let's begin where all good stories begin - at the beginning!

Who can forget when we all came together for the first time - nervous young students in kindergarten, proud parents, the Board of Governors and a dedicated staff body. What a commencement ceremony it was, signaling what would be the start of wonderful things to come. Yes, we all came together with a common purpose in mind - to encourage and develop lifelong learning in the young Ladies and Gentlemen who sit before us this evening.

Steadfast, resolute and determined we all kept together. Day-by-day we focused on our goal, keeping together and working together. We faced some incredible and memorable moments - moments that we chose to use as stepping stone as we tenaciously pursued our common goals. And what progress we made.

The end result Ladies and Gentlemen of our coming together, keeping together and working together, in spite of the obstacles that we may have faced along the way... that end result is the Graduating Class of 2014. My, how proud we are of the success that they have made with the opportunities that they were offered. Congratulations, we are inordinately proud of you all!

You are ready, willing and more than able to grasp the torch that we bestow upon you- yours is the future and on you the world will come to depend.

May your years ahead continue to be characterized by empathy, compassion, objectivity and a willingness to take risks.

May you always lead by example and work hard and play straight.

May your successes be many and your tribulations be few and far between.

We wish you everything that you so richly deserve in the years ahead - it has been an honor and a privilege watching your progress and success! "

We all clap. He then starts handing out diplomas to the students.

Each one shakes his hand as they receive their diploma.

" Aaron Adams "

" Abigail Dadi "

" Tracey Nagel "

" Payton Damar "

" Ean Shaffer "

" Eddie Williams "

" Harmony Caniff "

" Kade Smith "

" Ethan Porter " 👎

" Jenna Dilhem "

" Danielle Mckinnis "

" Kailey Williams "

" Noah Caniff "

" Jace Daniels "

" Jackson Gillis "

" Gabrielle Kiglings "

" Caden Corking "

" Collin Davis "

" Brittany Zornes "

" Blake Collins "

" Madison Sterling "

" Brielle Baker "

" Reagan Radley "

" Nicki Iain "

" Zachariah Umar "

" Dallas White "

" Dalton White "

" Alexis Maden "

" Madeline Wade "

" Lacey Gad "

" Victoria Abraham "

" Zander James "

" Aaliyah Carpenter "

" Karissa Espinosa "

" Mason Dallas "

" Daylon Mendes "

" Aaiden Reynolds "

" Zane Gilinsky "

" Cambrie Johnson "

" Courtney Rupp "

" And this is our 2014 class graduates from Princeton High School "

As everyone claps I look over at Taylor who is crying but trying not to show it. Feels good to know he loves our kids as much as I do. We have the perfect family.

** Taylor's POV **

I can't believe my babies are graduates. As the graduation ceremony is over everyone is standing clapping and I begin to cry. Crying from happiness, and crying from sadness. Im so happy and stoked that my kids have made it through the rough years of high school and graduated. But sad that they are growing up. I'm not ready for them to grow up and become adults yet. I'm not ready for them to go off to college and only see them on holidays yet. I can process all this at the same time.

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