This is my idea on how Emma and Regina could have a love child. Don't worry there is swan queen eventually :)----------------------
Emma looked swiftly to Regina. She had no clue what she was doing and honestly neither did Regina. But both using their light magic they placed their hands out and called forth the love out of their hearts and into banishing the wreath.
Unable to stop they looked to each tier still shaking and as they looked to each other. BOOM! Out of nowhere they flew backwards as Snow and Henry helped them to their feet.Sitting on the floor a girl about 19 with beautiful dark brown hair and big blue eyes. She looked immaculate and giggled to herself falling backwards and standing up. "Momma Gina, I've told you to stop looking at Momma Em like that you two could cause some serious damage in the future! The chemistry between you two is insane." The two women looked to each other in shock as they walked over to the girl. "I'm sorry who are you?" The young girl seemed to laugh a sweet little cackle before walking over and placing her arm around Regina.
"Now seriously mom can you take the fancy dress off please, since when did you ever like wearing scarves and why is Henry back to being about 14? Momma Em... We threw that jacket out for a reason. Nana Snow please stop that right now. You guys are actually going to kill me!" She continues laughing as everyone looked around in confusion.Everyone continued to cock their heads at her as she began to realise none of them truly knew who she was. "Moms? Hen? Nan? Gramps?" They all continue to look confused as she begins to look strangely. "I'm sorry who are you?" Snows little tender voice hurt her more than anyone else's because she thought out of everyone her grandmother would be there for you. Snow smiles but the girl shakes her head and begins to run away in the other direction. "Maybe there's been another curse to forget her." Regina and Emma look to each other and shrug their shoulders. "Stay here I'll find her." Henry began to run away after the girl.
"We have a daughter?" Emma's little voice seemed hurt as she glared to Regina. "Well she's defiantly yours, did you see her running away as soon as things got hard?" Her voice made Emma's heart ache as she glared deeply into Regina's eyes. "I'm sorry Emma, I didn't mean anything...." Emma shook her head furiously looking towards Regina and pointing a finger. "Your a little bit of a bitch you know that Regina." Emma said turning her back on Regina as she walked away with their parents. Things hadn't been very friendly between the swan and the queen in a while.
"Hi, I'm sorry about my moms. I'm Henry Swan-Mils." He smiles and puts his hand out and she shakes it. "Cesalie Swan-Mils." She places her hand up her heart and feels it rip slightly. He looks to her in worry and places a hand upon her shoulder. "What is it?" Henry's little face began to hurt for her aches and pain as he looked into those big blue eyes so much like Emma's. "My heart ripping a little. Do our moms fight a lot here?" Henry began to shake his head a little, he wanted to lie to the stranger but he couldn't help feeling safe with her. "Yeah. I'm sorry we don't remember you. Are you Emma's or Regina's?" His face seemed to screw a little with interest. "Both." He looked confused as she felt her heart tear a little more.

Swan Queen Love Child (once upon a time)
FanfictionAbout what would happen if Regina Mils and Emma Swan had a love child. Once upon a time fanfiction. In this world Emma and Regina aren't together but once a love child named Cesalie comes into their world telling them that they're meant to be togeth...