Laying on the couch, Regina felt so strange. She had never slept on a couch before, she found them uncomfortable and didn't see why people would choose to sleep there when there was a perfectly good bed to sleep in. She watched the blondes nose snuffle as Emma sniffed up. "What is it em?" Regina smiled turning over and holding her mouth. "Waffles, why are you holding your mouth?" Regina looked upwards away from Emma so her mouth wasn't facing the blonde. "Morning breath." Gently the blonde placed her hands on Regina's slide then jolting them into the older woman's tickle spots. "I don't care." She pressed a light kiss to those crimson lips that still had a slight trace of apples an cinnamon on them.
Walking into the kitchen they noticed their eldest preparing, cleaning... Breakfast. The table set perfectly, just how Regina would have done it. Sitting down it felt right for Emma and Regina to sit on one side now they couldn't keep their hands off each other. Suddenly they heard a clatter, like elephants trying to tango. Jumping the last few steps the boy was so impatient when he knew whipped cream and syrup would be included as part of breakfast. "Careful big man, you'll injure yourself or one of our, I mean your moms." Everyone faces dropped as they all looked to Cesa. Regina untangled herself from Emma's grip and walked over to Cesa putting her arms around the girl in a hug. "Thank you for last night, it convinced me to talk to Emma." Pulling away slightly Cesa raised her eyebrow just as Regina would have done. "I know what happened last night, I'm your love child. I know whenever you two are together...Sounds weird but I feel so refreshed this morning. Thank you." She kissed Regina's cheek for it to be reciprocated.
Both brunettes carried over their plates and placed it in an array on the table as Henry and Emma licked their lips. Instantly the two hungry, lazy hippos dug in. Cesa and Regina often got jealous of how much the blonde and the believer could eat without getting the slightest bit heavier. Emma looked up her face filled with creme and barely any waffle, she drowned hers in creme while Henry's we're swimming in syrup. "Cesa..." Emma wiped her mouth before she continued "We are your parents so please just call us Mom if you want to." Smiling they could see the brunettes heart lighten at the notion.
She was so happy to watch them all digging happily into breakfast. She worried that she was now watching them like they we're her family. She knew deep down that she couldn't kill them. walking into the living room, family film time. "Lilo and Stitch!" Henry's face light up as he grabbed the DVD from his blonde mom and slipped it into the player. "This is us isn't it, Ohana... No one gets left behind." He squeezed himself in the middle of Regina and Cesa. "I need a wee before it gets into this." She jumped up as everyone on the couch curled up some more.
Getting into the bathroom she put her hands on the sink allowing her brown hair to drop by the side of her face, gently tickling her face. Looking up she expected to see her reflection, instead it was the two people she couldn't bare to see at that moment. "Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the saddest if them all?" Regina's brow arched as Cesa looked up there was no warmth in this Regina's eyes. "They're falling in love." She walked backwards to perch on the side of the bathtub. Moving her hair back holding it with her fingers. "Stop it or we will!" Emma's worried commanding voice made Cesa want to jump out of her skin. Both her mothers held each other's hands but their eyes not once straying from their daughter.
"What is it? Why can't you do it?" Someone could have mistaken her tone for being caring but Cesa knew her mother was only asking because she cared about herself. Regina loves Regina, or at least that's how it used to be. Shaking her head some more Cesa allowed the tears to stroll down her cheeks. "Ruby's here, I have a chance again... She couldn't love me if I was a murderer." For the first time in her life Cesalie watched her parents faces drop and a genuine look of concern for her well being arise. "Panda, we're sorry." Using her nickname, she only got that once things got really bad... She knew they were thinking about her and not themselves for a change. Which meant it would be harder, she had to choose... Which parents did she want? The choice wasn't hard in her head but she knew things we're never black and white with her leather loving black magic'd parents. They stood for what felt like hours watching their baby girl through that mirror.

Swan Queen Love Child (once upon a time)
FanficAbout what would happen if Regina Mils and Emma Swan had a love child. Once upon a time fanfiction. In this world Emma and Regina aren't together but once a love child named Cesalie comes into their world telling them that they're meant to be togeth...