Chapter 1.

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How can that monster have a family. I mean Dumbledore just told Ron, Hermione, and Harry that Lord Voldemort has a daughter and a grandson in America, and we are very surprised that a mad-man like him would have a family. And why would they live in America in the first place?

"I bet they are just as evil as you-know-who." Ron said crossing his arms.

"Mr. Weasley we can not just say they are evil yet." Dumbledore said as his eyes stated to twinkle.

"What do you mean by that sir?" Hermione said

"The Order is going to find and bring them here, so we can make them stay on the side of good."

"But how do we know they aren't going to tell Voldemort very that happens. I say if they are related to that monster then they are just as evil as he is." Harry said feeling his blood boil.

"Harry I see where you are coming from, but would you like to have to fight a whole family or one mad-man." Dumbledore said. 'I hate when he has a point.' Harry though darkly.

"We are going to be gone for a little while, but we want you to come to go undercover to try and be friend Voldemort's grandson."

"What! Why would we do that?" Harry yells. 'I don't see why we need to do that. I don't see the need to try to be nice to some evil jerk.' Harry thought.

"You'll see if we give him more reason to like us then there is less chance for him to become a Death Eater."

"How do we know both him and his mother aren't already Death Eaters?" Hermione asked.

"Voldemort has not talked to his daughter since she graduated from Hogwarts. She fall in love with a muggle, and they had a fallout. And the odd thing is she was a Ravenclaw, not a Slytherin like everyone thought she would be."

"Ok we will try, but he may still become a Death Eater." Harry said."But what state do they live in?"

"They live in New York, and there names are Sally and Percy Jackson."

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