Chapter 3

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Hey! Picture to the side is the Moscow Metro, Komsomolskaya Station. That is the metro station Destiny used.

And please excuse the mistakes in Russian, I used Google Translate- I don't speak Russian, but I hope I didn't embarass myself too much.

Crazy_Dominika, over and out.


Why on earth would I dream of that?

It wasn't the nightmare, it was a memory of the reason why I ran.

Psssht. It was the past there is no way I still feel the same way towards that man. And even if I did- which I don't- I shouldn't and couldn't.

Keep digging, Destiny, you might want a shovel with that.

Stop! I don't like him!

Because you love him! That's why you are going to Moscow, right?

No! Moscow is a beautiful city and even if he came from that city, he couldn't find me.

But his family still resides in Moscow...

Shut up brain!

Maybe the annoying voice in my head was right, but why would he come to his family in Moscow when he was just a few days ago in Rio? I heard his voice. Believe me, once I turn nineteen alone I will march into my daddy's office and tell him that the job has been done and that I don't want to have a part of it.


"кофе, пожалуйста"

(Coffee, please)

"какой тип"

(What type?)




(Coming up)






(Excuse me?!)

"Cудьба! Мой друг был здесь три дня назад спрашивал о тебе!"

(Destiny! My friend was here three days ago asking for you!)

"где он сейчас?"

(Where is he now?)



Oh. My next destination is Mauritius...

I instantly began pelting the opposite direction, without even bothering to get the coffee. I ignored the dirty looks when I pushed past people on the train station. Mothers with pushchairs swerwed their buggies away from a manical young woman: Me.

Shooting them appologetic looks I still sprint down the beautiful tiles of the station, the chandelier above me teetering in the air. There was a loud bang, and the whole metro becomes chaos.


Men and women crouch low to avoid the shots, a young girl is the only one standing up in hysterics. I pull her down and carry on running, dodging the bullets that are seemingly silent. Or there was only one shot fired, to see who would react abnormally. And that person happens to be me.

Keep running Destiny, he wouldn't shoot you.

The chandelier rocks back and forth, people are scrambling away so they wouldn't get crushed by the shattering crystal. Pulling out the tiny gun I own out of the waistband of my jeans, I duck behind a pillar. The marble pillar gives me protection. One way or another, I knew I would need this soon.

I close my left eye and point the gun at the chandelier- That way if I shoot, the chandelier would crash straight down- and not in the angle that it is positioned right now.

The trigger is pulled and the chandelier crashes on the tile floor, the sound of crystal hitting marble is almost musical, like wind chimes but with much sharper edges.

Police arrive in their black uniform, and one train arrives in the station.

Get in the train, Destiny.

I proceed with sliding in the train, not waiting for the people to walk out. I know that it's a rude gesture, but I keep pushing people out of the way and find a semi-empty carriage. The train has cabins and the fear of him finding me is so overwhelming that I have to scratch at my forearms to keep me sane.

The second my nails meet the delicate skin of my forearms the pain is keeping me in the real world. I repeat the action until the train leaves the station. And once the train begins it's steadfast crawl, I let out a sniffle and curl up in the velveteen chair, the train rocking me to oblivion.


Yay for double update! I was in France for a school trip, and the coach journeys get boring, so I had time to write, mingle and consume three Starbucks per day. No kidding, I literally had three Starbucks per day, every day.

I don't have a caffeine addiction.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2014 ⏰

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