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[Christmas Special]

Patton felt extremely guilty now every time he was dismissed to work, he always kept an eye on Logan but Logan never kept an eye on him. They were official buddies but neither of them hung out with each other or spot checked each other, Patton had edged away from Logan the day he spilled paint on him, seeing as how the other seemed so distraught. He mostly fiddled around with props and made excuses to go down to Hell so he could visit Virgil, considering that the other wasn't doing too well with his partnerships either.

[Christmas Special]
Virgil didn't enjoy Tom being around Roman one bit, seeing as how the other along with Roman and himself were now a regular group together; this bothered Virgil quite a bit considering Tom always tried to find a scene that excluded Virgil, and the worst part? It had gotten to the point where Roman was starting to be okay with that. Virgil found himself simply sitting on a box or swinging from a bolted down shelf, then Patton would show up and he'd simply fool around with him, hardly being able to work anymore. Currently he was sitting with Patton towards the back of the underground-warehouse, but keeping an eye on Roman and Tom as they practiced their Kiss, though currently they practiced with Tom's thumbs on Roman's lips, as Roman has complained a few weeks ago:

[A few weeks ago]

"But of course, now we Kiss." Tom grinned, flipping back his dirty-blonde hair in a teasing manor.

Roman gave a small chuckle before shifting on his feet, "Actually, do you mind if we...don't?"

Tom furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, "Oh...well, why not?"

"It's just-" Roman suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

Virgil noticed this and leaned forward from his box, also curious while also relieved.

Roman felt even more awkward as he saw Virgil lean forward out of the corner of his eye. Roman scratched his arm awkwardly before shrugging, "Well, I just mean...I haven't really...received my first kiss and-"

"So I could be your first kiss!" Tom proposed.

Virgil dug his nails into his knees as he screamed NO in his mind.

"Tom, you're a wonderful person and actor, but- I would just like to...have my first kiss with...someone who I'm- well, infatuated with..." Roman shrugged.

Virgil let out a quiet, audible sigh of relief.

"Oh...I see..." Tom paused with a bit of a hurt look before his eyes sparked.

Virgil saw this and glared a bit.

"Well, I should hope you find that person before the performance, seeing as how we'll have to kiss on stage for real." Tom gave a positive and polite smile.

Roman flinched, "O-Oh you're right!" He nodded, "Well, it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world to have my first kiss with a close friend." Roman smiled.

Tom's smile faltered for a little before returning.

Virgil felt his nails dig deeper into his knees , Close Friend- was he a close friend? Or just a normal friend?

[Present day]

"I don't...get it..." Virgil mumbled.

"Don't get what?" Patton cocked his head as he swung his legs back and forth over the crate that he and Virgil were sitting on.

"I don't know..." Virgil shrugged, "Just...it's really gross to watch them together...ya know?" Virgil glanced at Patton.

"Actually, they're kind'a cute together!" Patton giggled.

Virgil flinched.

Patton caught wind of this and paused before slowly grinning.

"What?" Virgil sighed as Patton began to lean towards him.

"Oo Virgey has a cru~ush!" Patton beamed.

Virgil's eyes widened and his face turned a brilliant red, "I do not!"

"Take out the not and you'll be telling the truth." Patton winked.

Virgil folded his arms over his chest, "He can be with whoever he wants to be with!"

"We never started talking about that but alright." Patton smiled with a shrug.

"Shut- your mouth." Virgil hissed.

Patton let out a fake pouty noise before elbowing Virgil's shoulder, "Come on, Virgil! Today's the last day until Winter Break starts! Once we come back to school we'll have a week until the performance! Make a move!"

Virgil shrunk down, "He's obviously falling for Tom..."

"Which is exactly why you need to act fast!" Patton bounced up and down.

"...He doesn't like me anyway..." Virgil shrugged.

Patton sighed, "Virgil."


"Virgil. That boy doesn't like you, you're right." Patton nodded.

Virgil frowned, "Gee, Thanks, I was just-"

"He loves you!" Patton giggled.

Virgil's face flashed red once again, "Wh-Why would you- no he-"

"He looks over at you every five seconds, come on Virgil! Wake up and smell the Gay! The wonderful gay!"

Virgil glanced over at Roman and Tom and a few moments later his eyes met Roman's, responding in the both of them looking away with flustered expressions.

"He hardly knows me..." Virgil mumbled.

"But knows enough to love you!" Patton grinned.

"Stop saying- don't say that word, he doesn't."

"He does." Patton winked.

"Does not!" Virgil growled with a final stomp.

Patton flinched back with a frown, "...Don't you want him to?"

"...Of course...of course I want him to... I just- I've loved people in the past- I've loved boys in the past...it just ends up with my head in a toilet and my heart on the floor." Virgil shrugged.

"Listen, Virgil." Patton put his hand on Virgil's shoulder supportively.

Virgil looked up to meet Patton's eyes.

"At the very least, Roman likes you- and don't argue because he does. I know what Love is and what another man's eyes look like when they're in love with someone-"

"How? Because you've seen Roman look at his reflection?" Virgil gave a small smirk.

Patton smiled in return before shaking his head, "Because I see the way you look at him..." He murmured.

Virgil was silent as he stared down at his feet.

Patton sighed, sitting up, "Alright...give me twenty minutes and I'll set things up."

"W-Wait what?" Virgil sat up as Patton leapt to his feet.

"Twenty-Minutes!" Patton grinned before booking it to the exit of Hell.

"Patton- Wait-!" Virgil sighed, sitting back down as he gave up on trying to stop the other.

If Patton had a plan...Virgil really hoped it would work.

[Part 1/2]

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