Epilogue 2.0

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Hey, it's been a while. This just kinda took root in my brain and I had to write it. Honestly, this was incredibly rushed because I wanted to get this on paper before I got busy or distracted. For everyone who read this without reading Not So Bad or Treasure Box, these are friends that appear at the end of Not So Bad and includes Treasure Box MC Franco's shy little self. 

Troy barreled through the door, yelling, "Richie, Richie, Richie."

The kid was already fourteen and hadn't learned a thing about not doing that. Tyler was starting to think it was doing it because he knew how annoying it was.

Tyler and Richie sat at the kitchen table, apparently finished with a conversation about the month's budget. Troy's friends, Venice, Eddie and Franco, followed right at his heel. Venice and Eddie strolled right up to the refrigerator and Franco has the decency to look sheepish as he headed for the candy cabinet. Venice went for an apple while Eddie heated up some leftover pasta.

Troy thrusted a piece of paper into Richie's face and said, "I aced my English test. My teacher said I'm the only one who got full points."

Like Tyler expected, Richie lit up and pulled Troy into a tight hug. "Good job, baby boy. I'm so proud of you."

"That's nothing, look at this," Eddie yanked Franco's bag right off his bag and dug in it for a bit before slamming a paper on the table. "Franco got an A on his algebra test."

Franco just sighed, "It's not a big deal."

"Not a big deal?" Tyler picked up the paper to take a closer look at it. "Kid, this shit is practically Greek. Good job." Tyler handed the paper back to him and ruffled his dark, curly hair.

Franco ducked his head in an attempt to hide his pleased smile.

Richie asked the other two boys, "Any other good grades you'd like to share?"

Venice tossed the apple he technically stole from hand to hand and shrugged, "I always get good grades so it's no big deal to me."

Eddie, on the other hand, gave Riche a goofy grin and said, "I got an E for effort. Does that count?"

Troy commented, "In your dreams, maybe."

"Maybe," Venice emphasized.

Eddie huffed, "Come on, guys, I did my best."

"Which is why we'll pray for you," Venice assured him.

Franco, who had snuck out at some point, came back in carrying Bonnie. He said quietly, "I heard her calling."

Bonnie was six years old and way too big to be picked up but every time Tyler thought about telling Franco, or any of the boys, that, he saw them coo at her and figured it didn't matter. Big brother instincts were hard to break.

"Hey there, kiddo," Venice was cooing right then, "Want an apple?" He took a knife and cut his apple in half, keeping the part he already bit off of, then carefully carved out the seeds before giving it to her.

She grabbed it happily and gave him a toothy grin. "Thank you, Venice."

"Aw, you're welcome," he patted her head. "Damn, Troy, why does your little sister have better manners than you?"

Troy retorted, "Because she doesn't have to deal with your dumb ass." He looked at his little sister and waved her over, "C'mere, Bonnie." She walked over obediently and let Troy lift her and settle her on his lap.

"I'm a dumbass," Venice repeated incredulously.

Tyler interjected before this could become a full-fledged thing, "You're both dumbasses. Now stop cussing."

Venice was a great kid. Just not an easy one to deal with. He immediately said with his usual air of sass, "Yeah, Troy, stop cussing in front of your parents. Don't know what's wrong with you."

Tyler sighed, "Don't you kids have parents?"

Eddie had the decency to finish chewing before saying, "Yeah but all our houses don't have as many dads. We need the extra fathering."

Venice chirped, "Yeah, love us, dad."

Richie muttered to Tyler, "I'm not completely sure Venice isn't your kid." Honestly, Tyler somewhat agreed. The kid was as exasperating as Troy.

"Hey, Richie," Rachel popped her head into the kitchen, pointedly ignoring the boys, "Have you seen my psychology book? I can't find it."

"Rachel," Eddie perked up, "Looking gorgeous as always. Is that a new top?"

Rachel looked physically pained by the poor flirting, "No, Eddie. God, no."

Troy piped up, probably hoping to save his sister, "Venus was looking at it. It might be in her room."

"Thanks," she left right back out.

"I'm actually embarrassed for you," Troy told Eddie, amazed, "I'm feeling secondhand embarrassment because you were that bad."

Franco shook his head and muttered, "I'm feeling it firsthand."

"Even Bonnie is laughing at you," Venice pointed at the giggling six-year-old, who squealed with laughter and tried to hide her face.

Tyler sort of watched on while trying, and failing, to ignore the warmth in his chest. Most of these kids weren't even his. When he married Sarah, he never planned to have this type of family. Family was supposed to be those blood relations that you could barely stand but had some sort of obligations to. Not three kids who felt about as comfortable with annoying him as his own kids were.

"Hey, Tyler," Richie said, pulling him out of his thoughts. He looked as if he just had the most amusing revelation in the world. "You know, once up a time, I thought we might adopt more kids."

Tyler looked at him, then the kids surrounding them. He said, shocked, "Jesus, this is your fault."

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