Chapter 6

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Hey-o readers, thanks for reading, thanks for voting and being awesome. You know who you are. 

Tyler collapsed into the chair his wife was sitting in just a moment ago. A throbbing headache grew from the back of his skull until he could barely think anymore. He just had to get out of that house but he still had responsibilites. Actually, fuck responsibilities. Tyler stood and practically ran out the door. He went down the stairs and rushed out the door without a word. He didn't think about how he was leaving his kids alone in the house. He just had to get out of there.

Within minutes, he found himself on the road, heading for Richie's apartment. The trip was quick and silent. He parked in front and walked up to the apartment door. It took him a minute to realize that he didn't even know which apartment was Richie's. Tyler pulled out his phone and dialed Richie's number, hoping with all his heart that Richie answered. He suffered through three rings before Richie picked up and muttered a distracted 'hello?'

"It's me. Buzz me in." 

Richie immediately recognized the calm, curt but strained voice. {One second.}

Tyler waited for the obxious buzzing before pushing the door open. "What's your apartment number?"


"Okay," Tyler hung up. Once he found the door with a gold plate that said 336, he knocked loudly.

"Tyler," Richie opened the door with a scowl, "You're going to disturb the neighbors."

Tyler grunted noncommitally and barged in, pushing past Richie. He glanced around the tiny living room and zoomed in on the small reddish brown couch. In three long strides, he was there and collapsed into it. 

"Tyler," Richie tried again, concern seeped into his tone, "Tyler, what's wrong?"

Tyler shrugged, "Oh, you know, the usual. My wife just walked at his kids like she truly couldn't give a fuck."

Confusion swept over Richie, "What do you mean?"

Tyler was fuming, "I mean my kids don't have a goddamn mother because the one they did have thinks she's still a teenager. She said a bunch of bullshit about wanting to live for herself. I never thought she'd do this. I knew we were going to separate at some point, that was obvious, but I didn't think she'd leave the kids too. I never thought she could be such a selfish bitch."

"Wait, Tyler," Richie sat next to him, "What exactly happened? How did it turn out like this?"

"I was going to talk to her about separating," Tyler explained, visibly calming, "But she interrupted and went on this tangent about how she missed being her own person and not being a mom then she took her stuff and just walked out."

"Walked out? She just left? What did you tell the kids?"

"Nothing," Tyler sighed irritably, "What could I tell them? That their mom just walked out on them?"

"You can't just leave them in the dark like this," Richie argued, "You can't leave them at all. They may not know for sure what happened but I'm pretty sure they have some clue. Kids may be young but they're not dumb. Go back home and tell them that it's going to be okay. Tell them that dad is still here and he's never going to leave them. They need to hear it now more than ever."

"You," Tyler glanced over at him, a smile finally gracing his lips, "Goddammit, I think you're right."

"You know I am," Richie grinned back, "Now get home before I bitch slap you."

"Yes ma'am," Tyler stood, "Come on."

Richie frowned, "What?"

Tyler rolled his eyes, "Do I really have to spell it out for you? You're coming too."

Richie sputtered, "Why?"

"Because," Tyler replied before walking on out the door. 

Instead of questioning the answer, Richie grinned and followed. That hanging 'because' was the only answer he needed. He already knew what Tyler was too stubborn to say, so that 'because' meant the world to him. 

Because I need you.


"Hello?" Tyler stepped into the living room and found it empty. The house was completely silent and that made Tyler uneasy.

"Do you think they're in their room?" Richie asked from behind him.

Tyler merely grunted and climbed the stairs, two steps at a time. He rounded into the girls' room and found the three of them fast asleep in Rachel's bed. Tyler sighed in relief. He glided over silently and sat beside their still bodies, watching their chest fall rhythmically. The girls were sandwiching Troy while he nuzzled into Rachel's chest and hugged her tightly and Venus had her arms around Troy. 

"Daddy," Tyler froze. Rachel's eyes were half-open, sleep made her voice heavy. "You're back."

"Yeah," he swallowed, "I'm sorry, baby girl, I had to sort out some things."

"Is mom coming back?" 

The lump in his throat was growing. He barely managed to cough out the words, "Probably not."

Rachel was more awake now, her eyes widened with disbelief. She tried to pull herself up but Troy was holding on too tight. He could saw something shimmer on her cheeks. Tear stains.

He tried to swallow but his throat was too dry. "Just go back to sleep, baby. I'll explain tomorrow. Just know that daddy will always be here for you. No matter what, you can always come to me. I love you."

 "Daddy," tears were building up in her large brown eyes, "Daddy, where's mommy? Where did she go?"

"I don't know, Rachel, I'm sorry."

"I knew it, she hates us, doesn't she?" her tears were pouring freely but she kept her voice low and controlled her hiccups. She didn't want to wake her siblings. She didn't want to upset them. She didn't want them to feel the abandonment that she was feeling while her father looked at her with sorrowful eyes.

"She doesn't hate you, Rachel," Tyler's voice sounded pathetic, even to him. "She just needs to get her head on straight."

"Then why would she leave?" The million dollar question. Why would she leave? What on earth made her believe that leaving her children behind would make her happier?

"Go to sleep, Rachel," he took leaned over and kissed her forehead, "Things will be better in the morning. I promise."

Rachel wiped her tear with her sleave and nodded. Tyler always kept his promises so she went to sleep promising herself that things will be better in the morning.  

Tyler stood but wobbled a bit before making his way out the door. That was the most emotionally draining conversation he ever had. It left him weak and vulnerable. 

Richie was waiting outside the door, barely able to hold back his own tears. As soon as Tyler closed the door behind him, Richie was in his arms, embracing all his pain. 

"Things will be better in the morning," Richie promised. "I'll make sure of it."

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