Saved: A Harry Styles fanfiction

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Saved: Chapter 1

"Today's the day Avery! It's finally here!" My mother yelled as she walked in my room to wake me up. "Get up!"

I sat up on my bed and smiled at her. I've been waiting for this day so anxiously and it's finally here. The day I find out if I get accepted to my dream college in London.

"I can't believe it," I said and rubbed my temples.

"Now it's only 10:30 and the mail comes in at about twelve. Why don't you refreshen up while I get your brothers ready and we go out for an early lunch to celebrate?"

"Celebrate? Mom we don't even know if I got accepted yet," I laughed.

She sat down on my bed and took a hold of my hands. "Avery, honey, you are such a bright and smart young girl. I know you're getting in. And even if you didn't, I'd still be as proud of you as much as if you did get in."

I smiled at her and hugged her, " Thanks mom, you're the best."

"That's not what your little brothers say," she chuckled and went to my door frame. My little brothers. Those annoying little pesks.

"They also say that Santa Claus is real."

She just laughed and walked into the hallway, "We're leaving at eleven!"

"Got it." I yelled back her and got out of bed. I looked at the clock on my phone to see how much time I had to get ready. Eleven. That gives me thirty minutes to get ready. Damn it, she should know by know that I can't get ready decently that fast. But really I don't think parents ever learn that.

I went to my bathroom and jumped in the shower. I decided against washing my hair since I only have half an hour; besides, I washed my hair last night. I got my loofa and my bath & body works body wash and scrubbed my body. It smelled like tropicalness (if that's even a word), like coconut and the beach. Then I grabbed my face scrub and began to wash my face.

"Shit," I mumbled to myself as I got some in my eye.

As I was washing out the scrub out of my eye, I heard a message notification go off from my phone. I opened the shower curtain and grabbed my phone from the sink and read the message.

From Nick:

Today's the big day. I'm so happy and excited for you, babe. Your mom said I can tag along to your celebration lunch, so I'll see you there. Love you ;)

My heart fluttered, he's the sweetest thing ever. If you couldn't tell already, Nick was my boyfriend. He is one of the greatest people I know and could make anyone smile on anyday. He's already in college, we meet in high school when I was a sophmore and he was a junior in chemistry, and we've been together ever since.

I realized I was being distracted when I heard knocking on my door.

"Hurry up in there you loser!" Cale. My oldest little brother. Thirteen years old but annoying as hell, he was probably the worst out of them. 

"Shut up and wait!" I shouted to him. I stepped out of the shower as I wrapped a towel around my body and opened the door.

"How obnoxious can you be." I said and walked into my room.

I grabbed a white lace dress with the sleeves cut off and a pair of my wedges with white straps. As soon as I got dressed, I sat down in front of my mirror and started on my makeup. I usually only wear mascara, because my eyelashes aren't that long; but I felt like putting some eyeshadow on today.

"Five minutes, Avery!" I heard my mom yell from the hallway.

"Shit," I said to myself. I still haven't done anything with my hair.

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