1. How you meet

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JJ- You finally got VIP tickets to see union j! You were so happy! You had loved the band for ages and your favourite was JJ. You made a card for them which had you twitter name in for them to hopefully follow you. You had always wanted them to follow you! The day came that you were going to meet them. You wore your favourite pretty top and shorts. After the concert finished you were allowed back stage to meet them. You gave the boys the card and yook selfies with them. 'Hey can I get a pic with you on my phone?' JJ said to you. 'Sure' you replied. Later that evening JJ followed you and tweeted the pic saying 'This girl is amazing'. Then you got a dm on twitter from him asking if you wanted to meet up.

George- It was one of your friends birthdays and she was having a massive party with loads of people! You only knew a few people that were going as she had so many people going. The night came of the party, you wore a pretty blue dress with white heels. You helped your friend set up for the party as you go there early. The party looked amazing! The pretty disco ball was hung from the ceiling and it looked beautiful. As the night went on you became hotter because there was so many people in the same room. You went outside to get some fresh air. A boy followed you outside and sat next to you on the wall you sat on. 'Are you okay?' He asked. 'Yeah, im just really hot' You replied. 'Hopefully you will be okay, im George' He said smiling at you. You replied with your name. 'Awh thats pretty. By the way you look amazing! ' He said. The rest of the night you spent with George getting to know him better.

Jaymi- You had just moved house and you had to start a new secondary school. You were really nervous as it was hard for you to make friends. It was your first day and you were told to sat next to a girl called lauren. She had brown shoulder lenght hair. She laughed as you sat down and turned to a group of girls. As you looked at her you knew she was going to be trouble. You said hi to be nice, but she just ignored you. You went to your first lesson which was English. You noticed as you got your pencil case out, you and lauren had the same one. She looked at you 'You have the same pencil case as me. Get a new one for tomorrow' She said nastily.

Lauren then walked off to go and chat to her group of friends. 'Hey, you okay?' you heard a voice say from behind you. You turned around and saw it was a cute boy with brown hair. 'Im fine, its just those girls' you replied. 'Im jaymi' he said. 'One second I will be back' he then said. You saw Jaymi walk up to the teacher and speak to her. Next minute she went up to the girls. Then one of Laurens friends, Natalie walked past you. As she walked past she shouted slut. From then on you hung around with Jaymi and got really close.

Josh- You were on holiday in America. You loved being there with your family but you wanted todo something independent. You arranged to go to a club that was down the road. They were having a special night where non famous bands would play. You loved music! You got ready to go and you entered the club. Most of the time you stood at the bar area drinking coke. The presenter then annouced union j. You heard them singing and you thought they were really good. Most of the time a certain member kept smiling at you. He had lovely brown hair. You though he was quite good looking. At the end before you left because you were so tired. The boy came out from behind the stage and gave you a piece of paper. You looked at him and smiled. You opened the piece of paper and it said: Hey its josh from union j. Call me,beautiful. It had his phone number underneath. The next day you text him and you met up.

Sorry got a bit carried away with the jaymi one.

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