chapter 1: epilogue

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A/N: I'm having writers block so dont judge my spellings or grammer too hard. This is also the first book i wrote in ages so it may not be well written... at all. Please understand if the book sucks i tried my hardest and once again first time I've written something in ages.... Thank you for reading and once again sorry if it sucks..
And for those that dont know P.O.V means point of view there may also be chages in character to make the story flow better!


[Author's P.O.V. I guess]

It is very dark and Russia's just getting home from the feild where the sunflowers bloom brightly. When he got up to the door he heard rustling in the bushes he thought nothing of it... So he opened the door to be greeted back home by the baltics (the three baltics Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia) "welcome h-home Mr. Russia" they say in unison while trembling in fear of the large Russian.

"Privet" Russia says with a normal grin on my face while Lithuania puts his coat up on the coat rack. Russia being tired wanted to sleep but he needed to do paperwork for the next meetings there was an G8 meeting tomorrow and a world meeting a few weeks after.
So he went into the study where he noticed a window was broken he was going to ask them three to fix it in the morning while he was at the meeting.

There was so much paperwork he slowly fell asleep.......

When he started to wake up he heard louder rustling from outside so he got up to check it out but he saw nothing outside..."hmm i guess it was nothing da" he said outloud when he turned back around he saw himself but different he was wearing a black and red coat his hair was more red than beige and his pupils were as red as fresh blood he held a bloody metal pipe over his shoulder it looked like he just got done killing someone. He caught Russia off guard so he didnt have enough time to grab his pipe so Russia in a panic from his strange doppelgangers appearance tried to grab his pipe to attack the attacker but failed when he was finally knocked out by the doppelganger there was blood everywhere. "Finally he's knocked out now he'll come willing" he said carring the large Russian on his shoulder and out the window he came through.

[Lithuanias P. O. V.]

I'm wide awake at 12:00 when I hear something in Mr. Russia's study it was really loud im surprised neither Estonia or Latvia woke up... I went to go check on him because i knew he had been there last but whenever I opened the door to the study he was gone I noticed there were blood spatters litteraly everywhere I screamed so loud I could wake up all of America and Russia...

The other baltics came running to me in a hurry then they saw what I was screaming at they gasp at the sight but the biggest thing was that Mr. Russia was gone! We checked his bedroom to see if he went back there but no not there either we search around the house then we head back into study. Then Estonia noticed the blood trail going out a broken window.
"What is it Estonia did you find where Mr. Russia has gone to"? Latvia says carefully. "Well I don't think we can handle it ourselves"he starts out picking at the blood in the carpet. "Theres an G8 meeting tomorrow correct" he says while both me and Latvia nods our heads. "Well we could always ask them for help we need to get into that meeting". The moment he said that I blurted out"ill go" mostly because i dont like the sight of blood...

[Tomorrow morning Still Lithuania's P. O. V]

I make it to the meeting a little late everyone even America is there I dont want to disrupt their meeting but it sounds like they are talking about Mr. Russia

America: duude where is the Commie he is literaly never late

England/Britain(because he has several names):for once I agree with America he litteraly never misses a meeting its quite strange


England: shut up git

[Authors P. O. V]

They suddenly stop agruing because Lithuania wanted to hear more and the door was creaky. Japan gets up to see who was there he opens the door to see Lithuania standing there he seems to be panicked they ask him whats wrong. Lithuania then explaines what happened how Russia disappeared and about the blood trail " yo dude thats not good" America says as gentle as the American can be.

"How could one of the largest nations be gone or vanish"? England exclaimed

~(time skip brought to you by Russia's scarf ^J^)~

"Well here it is" Lithuania says gently, Lithuania then takes the group into the house then into the room where everything went down...

"Woah dude this looks like a lot of blood"America exclaims," yes it is, please we would love your assistance in this investigation" Latvia says coming up to the large group,

"Are we sure we even WANT the commie bastard back"?! America exclaims quite loudly (as always seriously does he have any sense of volume control?)

"America that is very rude he may be mean and scary at times but hes a nation he deserves to be saved as well as you and or me aru" China states firmly, "fine Im the hero so saving people is my job even if its large scary Russians"America whined, "thank you all for at least trying to he-"Lithuania couldn't get out the last word before Estonia blurted out "ummm guys I found something that may be important"!


Well its the end of this chapter and a mistake I caught while editing I know China is not part of the G8 I just put him there because I am a huge RoChu fan (Russia x China) because they would be cute da~?. Anyway im trying my best to write the book I will finish it no matter what...

So Goodbye and I love you for reading and once again first book here...

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