Dragon Mode

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I got home and my sister was waiting for me on the sofa. She said "(Name)! What's with the blushing face?" And I replied "That's what I need to talk about". I told her about what happened with Eijirou and what happened with Bakugou. She said "Wow! Two guys?! Nicely done!" I said "This is serious! What am I supposed to do? Who do I choose?!". She asked me what each of them were like and I told her. Then she said "I'd go with this 'Eijirou' guy. He sounds sweet and cool. On the other hand, I would go with this 'Bakugou' guy because, to be honest, he sounds really hot! You have one hell of a decision on your hands, don't you?" And I said "YES! Thank you! But one question. WHO THE HECK DO I CHOOSE?!". "To be honest, Bakugou sounds like one hell of an asshole to deal with. Go with Eijirou. He'll probably treat you better". I realised that she was right and said "Wow. You know your stuff! How?" And she replied "I got experience, and besides, it didn't seem like THAT hard of a choice". Not to HER at least. "Oh! I almost forgot! Can I be in your internship?" I asked her and she just laughed, hugged me and said "DUH! I'm your sister! We have a lot of training to do!" And with that, I was set for the week. Oh! I forgot to mention that I live with my older sister, her husband and my younger brother who hasn't gotten his quirk yet.
Time Skip to start of internships:
I was going to school today when I heard a familiar voice screaming my name. My little brother. I followed his voice and found that he was being attacked by a sludge monster. I knew that a hero would come and save him. Then he looked at me with a face that said 'help. I'm going to die'. I ran towards him without hesitation. He was able to get his hands out of the monster so that I could get him out but I ended up being pulled in too. Inside the monster, I held him close to me and screamed "LET HIM GO!" Then something happened. Huge burgundy scaly wings grew from my back, a burgundy lizard tail came from my butt and burgundy horns grew from my head. Then I saw All Might. He smashed the monster and we were free. But my brother wasn't waking up. He said "I just want to say that my quirk came yesterday. It was to control earth. I wanted to surprise you guys. I guess I can't anymore" and I said "NO! Don't say that! You WILL LIVE TO BE A HERO!" And with that, he died in my arms. I just sat there. On the ground with my dead brother in my arms. All Might came up to me and said "I'm sorry that I wasn't there sooner. He could have been a great hero". I had a flower in my hair from him. He grew them in school and gave them to me and my sister. I took it out and put it in his hand. Then I went to school. The League If Villains is going to pay for this.
When I got to school, Mina ran up to me and hugged me so hard that I started crying. She said "Did he have a quirk?" And I replied "It was the power to control earth. He got it yesterday and wanted to surprise my family". I sat in my desk and some of the other students tried to comfort me. Then Kaminari looked at me like he saw a ghost. I asked him "What's up with you?" And he said "oh nothing. JUST THAT YOU HAVE THE BODY PARTS OF A DRAGON!". I looked and saw that he was right. Then I exhaled deeply and fire came from my mouth. I gasped at how powerful I had become and then said "There are some animals that I earn with this quirk. I guess a dragon is one of them". I looked at Bakugou and he just glared at me. This pissed me off. Then he changed his expression to a surprised look. "What?!" And he said "you know that you're hair is on fire, right?". I checked to see and it was. He smirks at me and I say "Watch when I burn that smile off your face".
It was time to start the internship.
Time Skip to internship:
I went back home because that was where my sister was. She immediately started crying as soon as I walked in. We both were. Then she said "Alright! Time to get to work! Go put your hero costume on and then we'll go patrolling for a bit" and I did what she said. I was in tiger form at the time but I had wondered what my costume would be like in dragon form. She said "I want you to now change to part-dragon. Your costume will change a bit. But don't worry!" And I did. My costume had long sleeves before, but now they had changed into fingerless gloves with a black leather jacket. The rest remained as normal. But the entire thing became dark red to match the extra dragon stuff on my body.
When we started our patrol, I got a text from Eijirou:
Eijirou: Hey! How's your internship going?

Me: It's going well! How's yours?

Eijirou: Fine. Fourth Kind hits us but it doesn't hurt because I use my quirk!

Me: Wait. What do you mean 'us'?

Eijirou: You know Testutestu? He's with me!

Me: Wow really? Cool! Btw you look really funny with your hat on!

Eijirou: How do you....?

Me: Look up!😋
He sees me flying over him and waves and I wave back. Then Fourth Kind shouts at my sister "HEY! GET DOWN HERE!" Which made us both jump. We flew down and my sister said "W-what's up, sir?" But she secretly tells me to give her a rock from the ground. Her quirk is that she can control air. That's how she flies. Fourth Kind hit her and said "You should know better then to distract my students!". Then I say "Sir, it was me. We were just-I mean-she was just following through as internship leader and I got your students distracted. Sorry".
Eijirou's POV:
She took the blame for her sister when really, it was my fault. I'm the one who started to text her. Fourth Kind was about to hit her head and I know her quirk can't help her so I took the hit. I stood in front of her and took it like a man! "Eijirou.....why did you" she trailed off. I explained to him what really happened. He understood and let her and her sister off with a 'warning'. Then, just before she flew away, she hugged me from behind. She said "My hero". I'm her hero. I replied "You're mine too y'know" And she kissed the back of my neck, then flew away. She's just like an angel!
Your POV:
My sister said "That's Eijirou. Isn't it?" And I sighed and replied "The one and only". Then I realised what I just did and shook my head. Then I said "I'm getting really bored. When do we fight bad guys?".
Time Skip:
A Nomu came out of complete nowhere and was attacking people! My sister said "Help me fight these off, will ya? This is where all your training starts to pay off!". I agree and go into dragon mode. I breathe fire at it but I wasn't the only one. Endeavour was here too?! I knew that if he was here then Todoroki must be nearby too. Then I heard that the Hero Killer: Satin was loose. I couldn't see Todoroki anywhere. I hope he's alright. My thoughts were interrupted by a Nomu scratching my stomach, making a deep cut. The rest was a bit hazy but I saw my sister running up to me but that was about it.

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