Teller Morrow

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The next morning, I opened my eyes and stretched my body. Light filled the room through one of the windows and I got out of bed, walking over to the bathroom to wash my face. I could hear my nonna making breakfast so I walked over to the kitchen.

"Katerina, come and eat tesoro!" She said, setting down a plate for me.

I walked over to her and hugged her, "I'm sorry, I can't stay nonni. I'm gonna go to Teller Morrow. They need a mechanic and I need a job."  I said turning to walk away.

"You talked with your father about this?" She asked.

Turning around, I smiled, "Yes, he knows and is okay with it. He likes the Sons."

She set down her plate before turning to me with a smile, "Okay Katerina."

I walked to my room to get dressed for the day. Since it was sunny and hot out, I decided to keep it simple and put on a navy blue tank top and jean shorts with a brown belt and wore black boots. I let my hair fall loosely and wore minimal makeup. Before walking out of my room, I took one last look in the mirror before leaving.

I got into my car and drove over to Teller Morrow. After about a 10 minute drive, I pulled into the automotive shop and parked next to a gorgeous Harley Sportster. I stepped out and admired it before heading over to the office and walked in. Gemma Teller looked up at me with a shocked look before smiling and standing up to hug me.

"What are you doin back in town and where did this body come from darlin?" She asked as she looked me over and spun me around.

I laughed and said, "I missed my family and needed a change. Decided it was time to come back. I also saw you needed a mechanic and I need a job, thought we could work somethin out."

"Honey if you want it, the job is yours. You always were good with your hands," she said with a smirk, "and I'm not talkin about the cars."

I laughed a little, not able to help myself, and smacked her arm. 

"Where are the guys? I wanted to see them, it's been a long time."  I asked looking around, hoping to see Chibs.

"They should be back soon sweetheart, c'mon I want you to meet someone."

"HalfSac, this is Katerina. Jimmy's daughter."

I walked over to "Half" and smiled at him. He extended his hand out to me and I shook it.

"HalfSac?" I asked with a confused look on my face.

Gemma laughed, "Trust me, you don't wanna know."

I told him I was here for the mechanics job and we got to work on the cars that were in the shop. After a couple of hours working, I was covered in grease and we decided to take a break. He showed me a Harley he was fixing up and I swung my leg over it, admiring how it was coming together.

Suddenly, I heard the familiar roar of several motorcycles and moved aside for them to pull in and park their bikes

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Suddenly, I heard the familiar roar of several motorcycles and moved aside for them to pull in and park their bikes. Gemma walked up next to me and all the guys walked over to us with shocked but happy expressions on their faces. Clay walked over and hugged me first.

"Look at you Katherine, Jimmy's little girl all grown up now." He said placing a kiss on my forehead.

Jax walked over and wrapped me in a tight hug, picking me up. Juice, Bobby, Opie and Tig all hugged me as well and welcomed me back. Chibs was the last to come up to me and said, "Welcome back Katherine. Charmin ain't been the same without you." His face formed a small smile and he wrapped me in a hug.

His body being so close to mine reminded me of the inappropriate feelings I'd had of him when I was 16. I blushed at the memory and pushed those thoughts away. He pulled away and lit two cigarettes, handing one to me and lighting it. We stood there in silence for a while before we walked into the clubhouse and I made my way over to the bar while he went and sat with Juice.

I sat at the bar drinking my beer, when HalfSac sat next to me and started talking to me. His flirting was obvious and although he wasn't bad looking, I wasn't the least bit interested in him that way. As he and I talked about random things, I would keep looking over at Chibs and all throughout the night, we would keep locking eyes. On one occasion, I saw him talking to a crow eater and watched as they made their way to the back of the clubhouse, towards the rooms. By that time, I wasn't even paying attention to Half.

Eventually, he took the hint and got up and left. Gemma sat down next to me and smirked, "I assume you still have a hard on for a certain Scottsman?"

I laughed before throwing back a shot, "Was it that obvious?"

"Darlin, you would always hang around the clubhouse and get a goofy look on your face any time Chibs was around."

We laughed, remembering all the good times we'd had here and caught up on lots of things that had happened since I'd been gone.

A few moments later, Chibs and the crow eater emerged from the back and went their separate ways. I couldn't help but feel slightly angry and jealous. I knew he would never see me as anything more that the little girl who grew up here but I had always hoped that one day he would be mine.

He glanced over and smiled before walking over to me and Gemma.

"Lots of catching up to do, yeah?"

"Katherine's been tellin me all about her life in Arizona and about a certain man in her life."

I shot a look at Gemma as she winked at me without Chibs noticing. I followed her lead and continued with the facade.

"Yeah, nothin serious though. Just casual."

Chibs didn't say anything for a few moments and was facing away from me, but I could swear a wave of jealousy had washed over him. He cleared his throat and simply nodded his head before giving us a small smile and walking away.

The rest of the night, everybody drank and had a good time and it all soon became a blurry mess. I only remember looking around at the people I had grown up with and being glad I was back.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2017 ⏰

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