Chapter Two

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I think I just kissed Kyle Broflovski.
and I think we got caught. I sat there, letting my mind process what was happening. I lit another cigarette.

"DUDEYOUGUYSWEREMAKINGOUTHOLYSHIT." I heard Stan scream, a mortified look plastered to his face.

"NO WE WERENT." Kyle's face was a dark crimson, his brows were furrowed together. He was standing now beside me, facing Stan.

"I TOTALLY SAW YOU, DUDE!" Stan's own face was a dusted pink now. Probably embarrassed he had just caught two of his best friends snogging in the schools parking lot.

"Hhhhhh." Kyle made another whinig noise, burying his face in his hands. "SWEAR!" He suddenly yelled, lunging and tackling Stan to the ground.  "SWEAR YOU WONT TELL ANYONE!!" he yelled, desperately.  I didn't even think about if I had a say in any of this.

"Alright!!" Stan said, trying to push the redhead off him. I watched them, taking a drag from my cigarette.

All I could think about was, I kissed Kyle Broflovski.

And it was hot.

The last bell of the day rang and me, Kyle, Stan and Cartman were walking back to the bus, idly chatting about stupid shit. Trying to get away from Cartman and Kyles bullshit, I darted to the front to get to the bus quicker. I felt myself freeze as the bus rolled in, at a very fast pace.

"OH MY GOD!!" Stan yelled. "YOU KILLED KENNY!!"

"Bastard!" Kyle yelled after him.
Kyle's P.O.V

Oh, Christ. He died not even two hours after I kissed him! This sucked big time. Sure, he'll just be back, alive as ever tommorow, but.. I never even asked him if he liked me..

Yeah, usually if you kiss someone it neans you like them, but, this is kenny were talking about. He'll fuck anyone with a attractive face and a heartbeat.. But, maybe this is different?

I walk through the door of my house, dropping my bookbag on the floor, a solem look on my face.

"Bube, whats wrong?" My mom asked, peeking in from the kitchen.

"Nothing, mom.." I reassured her, climbing the stairs to my room and flinging the door open. I laid down on the bed, inhaling deeply and staring at the wall.

All I could think about as I fell asleep was Kenny.
The next morning

I stood at the bus stop as usual with Stan and Cartman. I stared at the snow covered ground, sighing. Kenny hasnt came yet. A horrific thought entered my mind.
What if he didnt come back this time?
Oh God, stop it Kyle! Don't trip yourself out!! I told myself, fighting hot tears back.

"Kyle, you okay?" I heard someone ask in a southern accent. "You need a hug?" Orange clad arms moved to circle around my waist.

"Kenny!" I heard myself say, happily and turn around,  all too eager to return the hug.

"Dude, that is so gay." Cartman said.

"Shutup, fatass!" I yelled, snappimg around, a blush visible on my face. I hadnt noticed Kenny let go of me and climbed onto the bus, I hadnt realized had already arrived.

Boring, boring,  school, school.. I'm a A student, but I just cant bring myself to pay attention! I keep sneaking loving glances at Kenny. I feel like such a faggot. At one point, he caught me, giving me a lazy grin before turning his attention back to the teacher. and God, I blushed.

The bell sounded for lunch, finally and I felt myself hurry once again to catch up to Kenny.  Eagerly, I grabbed the hood of his jacket, making him fall back and catch himself. He turned around and smiled softly at me before waiting for me to finish packing up and follow him to the lunchroom.

We sat at our usual table, toward the back, with Stan and Cartman. Surprise.

"Kenny, can I talk to you?" I asked, as soon as we sat down and Stans head shot up, looking at me with questions swirling in his eyes.

"Sure-" before he could finish I grabbed his arm and led him outside.

"Sup?" he asked, casually, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets.

"We have to talk about yesterday. " I attempted to be calm, but some panic still shined through my words.


I cut him off again. "No, you, listen! I dont know if what happened yesterday effected you, or meant anything to you, but it did me! I refuse to he another one of your sex toys, Ken! I need to know if you felt something!" I said, blushing hard and looking down.

He grabbed my chin, making me look at him. "Hey," he said. "Its different," he muttered. "Its not like that." he told me softly. "I think I like you,  Kyle."

Hope sprang up into my eyes as he kissed me again. I melted into it. He still tasted like cigarettes, but I liked it.

"I love you." I muttered against his lips, and felt myself freeze.

I fucked everything up.

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