Chapter Three

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Kenny tensed up. I held my breath awating what he would do. A second later he still hadnt said anything.

The blonde had moved to kissing my jaw, completley ignoring what I had said. I let out my breath. Note to self: Wait before telling Kenny you love him. Got it.

Later, that night. Still Kyles P.O.V

Everbody in the ninth grade had been invited to a house party at Token Black's huge ass mansion. There were drunk girls draped all over guys. I think some of them could be dead.. Alot of them are passed out.

"Here." Kenny said from beside me, handing me a bottle of something.

"What?" I took the bottle from him and looked at the label.

"It's good, I promise." The blonde told me and took the bottle back, opening it and handing it back. I looked from him to the bottle and took a swig.

"Holy shit." I took another one and he laughed. Soon I had finished the entire bottle.

"Theres more in the cooler." he offered and I gave him a look that read 'Can you go get me another one?'

Four bottles later, I looked much like the many shit faced- girls, clinging to both Kenny and my *wine cooler. Kenny was on the floor, against the couch with his knees brought up and I was straddeling his lap, lazily laying my head against his chest.

"Dude, thats so gay." A familiar ravenette walked up to us, a bottle of cheap beer in his hand. He squatted in front of us.

"Fuck off, Stan." I slurred, not even turning around.

"I've never seen you drunk, Kyle." Stan chuckled. "What kind of drunk is he?" He asked Kenny.

"Well, hes pretty mellow.. and clingy. " The blonde petted my hair. "Here, baby, cling to Stan for awhile im gonna go outside and smoke." Ken picked me up and sat ne on the couch, where a dude and some girl were trying to snog eachothers face off.

I whined, holding my hands out. "Smoke in here." I said, taking a swig of my drink and then putting my arms out again.

"Cant, Tokens parents would kill him if I burned the couch or something." he laughed and walked away. "WATCH HIM." he called to Stan before disappearing in the wave of people.

Stan sat beside me on the couch and laid on his lap on my stomach, my fingers touching the arm rest beside him and my feet just barely touching the couple.

"Stanley!!" Wendys high pitched voice sounded and I snorted as he put his hands up in mock defense.

"Hes totally drunk off his ass!! Im watching him for Kenny!" he told her.

"Im not a dog, stanley." I said, jabbing him in the side with the tip of my nail.

"Whatever. " he muttered, pushing my head down into the couch and I laughed.

Eventually, Kenny came back and took me back. I had already made Stan bring me back two more bottles of this delicious fruity shit and I was seeing stars. God knows I was gonna pay for all this tomorrow.


*= A fruity alcoholic beverage somewhere inbetween beer and wine.
Woo! Super short chapter!! Im so sorry, its so short and it took me longer than I said it would for this chapter!! XD Part of this came to me in a dream, so, I hope you liked it!! ♥♥ Much love!!

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