VIII - Saved

34 1 2

Again, I apologize
For my incompetence displeases you
Just wait a moment
I will be there
I will...


     The couch hurts like hell.

     Especially this one.

     Shame on whoever made this. May you rot in hell (not really, but...).

     I sat up and as soon as I did so, the couch seemed 50 times more appealing.

     You know what? I love this couch. It's so nice. So soft. Totally doesn't feel like a sack of rocks. Do I have to get up? I don't have to get up. I could just lay back down. Yeah. That seems like a good idea. Just lay back—

     My thoughts were interrupted by the aggressive opening of a door. I groaned loudly and pressed my palm to my forehead. Jin trudged into the living room, his hair in every-which-way and dark circles under his eyes.

     "Shut up!" He growled, shuffling into the kitchen.

     "I didn't even say anything," I muttered. Two can play this game.

     Jin peered out at me. We stared angrily at each other for a while until he pointed at me. "What are you doing here?"

     "You let me sleep over for the next couple of months," I retorted, resting my head on the back of the sofa. I winced in pain.

     He huffed and disappeared into the kitchen. Faint clanks and the occasional swear came from the kitchen. After about five minutes of noises, it was silent once more and Jin poked his head out to look at me again.

     "I made coffee," he said bluntly.

I stood up and shuffled to the kitchen. There, waiting on the counter, was a mug of coffee and two pills. Sugar and creamer was placed nearby.

"Wow. For someone who's such an asshole in the morning this sure is nice of you," I remarked. Jin cleared his throat.

"Excuse me?" he snarled, "I'll have you know that I currently have a killer headache and you kept me up last night with all of your god damn snoring!"

This startled me. Up until now, I had never seen Jin truly angry. I guess it was kinda rude of me to say that...

"Sorry," I said, pouring creamer into my coffee.

"It's fine," he responded in a softer tone. Jin poured himself a cup of coffee and leaned on the counter, his oversized shirt falling of his broad shoulder exposing his toned chest. Crap, what am I thinking! I blushed and looked away, using the coffee mug to hide my embarrassment. I took a long gulp of my coffee and leaned on the counter beside Jin.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"4:46. I'm usually not up until 9:00 on Wednesdays," he answered. He shot a brief glare at me before taking another sip from his cup. I popped the pills in my mouth and swallowed.

"Can I use your shower?"

"Of course! Why would I tell you not clean yourself? Towels are in the closet," Jin replied with one of the most beautiful smiles I've seen on a man. Stop it, Namjoon! Are you still drunk? I nodded and quickly ducked out of the kitchen. A quick stop at the closet and a warm shower later, I waltzed into the kitchen again. The kids where seated at the counter eating omelets and cereal. Jin was nowhere to be found.

     "Hey guys," I said, standing between the two. They greeted me cheerfully with mouths full of food.

     "Where'd Jin-hyung go?"

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