Chapter 2

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It is very nice to meet someone who makes you nervous, makes you feel strange, someone who makes you do nonsense, that leaves you speechless and that you can't stop looking at. But it is even more beautiful to be reciprocated. That was the bad thing. I was not.

That same afternoon - and the rest of the week - I took Maya home after school. I couldn't explain it but it was becoming a need for me to be close to her. It may sound creepy but her smile, her scent, her mere presence drove me crazy. It was strange at the same time because I had never felt this way with anyone before. I was happy and terrified at the same time.

While we were walking we were talking, talking about us in order to get to know each other a bit more. I told her about my mother, Susan Banks and my little sister Taylor, with whom I had lived since my father decided that drinking was more important to him than his own blood. And leaving aside that sad part of my life, I knew that her family was very close. It was Mr. and Mrs. Maxwell, her brother Trenton who was actually about the same age as Taylor, and her older sister Caroline who was in another city for college.

Finally it was Friday and if it weren't for my friends and Maya the boredom of the classes would have killed me. Anyway, when I got home and after saying hi, I sat down on a kitchen stool and ate a small snack since my stomach would not have been able to stand until I was at the King James with Maya.

After eating I went straight to my room to change and look good without showing that I had tried hard for it. Hard work, I know.

While looking for a pair of red jeans, Taylor thought it would be funny to scare me.

"What are you doing?!" she shouted entering my room.

"God!" I shouted turning to see her "Why are you still doing that? Next time I'm gonna tell mom"

"Yeah sure" she said ironically "Well ... who are you going out with?"

"What? No one..." I said putting on a black top and avoiding looking her in the eyes.

"Seriously, I want to know" Taylor was very irritating when she wanted to "In fact, I heard that there is a new girl in your school and that she is very pretty"

"Okay" I gave in "I'm going out with Maya"

"Oh, that's her name? It's cute."

"Yes, it's her" I said annoyed and walking her away from my room "Now stop the interrogation and go play or something"

"I'm not a baby!" she shouted offended.

"Well you act like one, I don't see why you get upset" and I closed the door right in her face.

"You're a weirdo!" she shouted at me from the other side of the door.


To finish getting ready, I put on some black Vans and a leather jacket of the same color. I went down to the living room and I told mom I would leave and just as the front door was closing my cell phone rang. It was a text from Emily.

movies at Avril's you comin??

I smiled reading it and I felt a little bad for not being able to go with them, but I was more excited about the idea of going out with Maya. So I answered

can't sorry :( mayb next time 

Her response was almost instantaneous

okay :)

I put my phone in my pocket and although it was a little early, I walked to Maya's house. I was already mentalizing with the idea of treating her like a friend only and not see myself as a desperate woman who expected something more from her barely knowing her. I didn't want her to stop talking to me for some stupidity of mine. I just wanted her to make things easy for me and not make me like her more and more because,Yes man! I LIKED her.

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize I was outside of Maya's house until suddenly I felt a pair of soft hands covering my eyes.

"It's a bit early don't you think?" she said with a small giggle.

"Yes, I'm sorry" I said and turned to see her "I didn't realize the time"

She looked gorgeous. It took my breath away. She was wearing a light blue skirt to the knee and a white blouse. Her hair was now falling straight down her back and her makeup was discreet although it made her brown eyes stand out, which had a shine that made them even more beautiful.

"Don't worry" she said with a smile "and ... where are we going?" We started walking and I almost fainted the instant she took my hand. This girl was going to kill me.

"Is it okay if we go to King James' Mall?" I asked uncertainly "I thought you would like it" I said smiling sideways.

"Yep" Maya accepted excited "sounds great"

Upon entering the mall we decided to go for ice cream and we stayed on a bench near the food court to talk a little. What I didn't expect was what I would know next.

"So you miss anything from your old neighborhood?" I couldn't regret more for that stupid question.

"Yes," she sighed and her look became somewhat blue "Daniel ..."

I waited for her to continue but as she didn't, I decided to continue.

"Oh ... is he your friend?"

"No" she said this time faceing me "Actually Daniel is my boyfriend" she said smiling.


Maya had a boyfriend? How come I didn't know? I shouldn't have assumed that such a pretty and great girl would be single. But hell! Now I could understand the pain and sadness that you have when you start to have feelings for someone that does not belong to you.

"Nina, are you okay?" She looked at me worried. I suppose my face must have shown some sign of discomfort for how she spoke to me.

"No I'm fine" I shook my head to recover "I'm fine, it's just that I suddenly got dizzy"

"Ok" she said not convinced "Are you sure?"

No, I'm not fine, how do you want me to be alright knowing that I'm melting for you when you do it for your boyfriend?

"Yes" I gave her a forced smile "sure"

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