Eren x reader

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Modern AU


'No hanji' you closed your locker as she smiled
'I know that face, your planning something and I want no part since I always end up in the shit house' you rolled you eyes as she laughed
'I was just gonna say are you coming to my Christmas party'
'Why in the Lords name would I go to a party with you as the host?' You turned as she smiled poking your arm
'Eren will be there~' you blushed as swivelled around walking down the corridor
'S-so that d-doesn't m-mean anything!'

'Oh come on (y/n)! Please, I'll by you pocky' she tried bribing you as you gave a "really?" Face towards her then walked away again
'Please, I'll do anything'

'Even put dirty gym clothes in Levi's locker?' You smirked as she gulped but then Nodded

'Fine, you have gym first period meaning you have break and lunch to get them in his locker, you have until the end of the day' she excepted the challenge as you laughed. Even she knew she was signing as death sentence by doing this

Walking towards your first period class you spotted a familiar brunette and blushed trying to avoid his gaze, but to no avail.
'(Y/n)!' You shyly looked over your book and smiled
'H-hey Eren, hehe didn't uh see you there' you laughed nervously as he gave a smile
'So are you going to hanji's Christmas party, I uh was thinking of going and you know in case you wanna share a lift or so on.' He rubbed his neck as you looked away
'Uh parties aren't really my thing' you mumbled as he nodded
'Oh that's totally cool, I get it not really your style huh?' You noticed how sad he sounded, so you quickly spoke
'But uh I might actually go since it's not a party party, it's really just most of your group with hanjis as well so I think I might go' you smiled as he brightened up
'Really? Sweet as, and what did you mean my group? I think you meant our group since your stuck with us' he smiled as you blushed scratching your cheek

During lunch you saw a frantic hanji run up to you
'Oh hanji great timing, I uh changed my mind and I will go to your party. Don't ask me why, I just realised your my friend and even though this night could go horrible wrong it is my job as your best friend to stop you from making it go oh so horribly wrong' you smiled as she squawked
'You mean I didn't have to put my gym clothes in Levi's locker?'
'Not anymore, wait did you..?' You then heard a familiar raven haired make scream down the corridors
'That is my qui to run' she sprinted of as you saw Levi fly past shouting about killing her as you laughed
'Good luck shitty glasses, and may Levi have mercy. Who am I kidding this Levi he's gonna tear her apart' you laughed walking to your next period

At the end of the day you looked outside and saw the snow making you groan.
'I forgot my umbrella' you leaned against a near by wall hoping the weather would clear up when you heard a familiar voice
'Hey (y/n)' you smiled hearing his angelic voice and turned blushing lightly
'Hey Eren' he stood beside you and smiled
'You waiting for someone?' He asked looking out at the snow
'I'm waiting for this snow to kindly fūck off' you mumbled as he chuckled
'You need a ride home?' You shook your head
'No no really, I'm fine'
'Well to late my moms here and your getting a lift home' he dragged you out into the snow and pulled you into the car

'Mom, (y/n). (Y/n), my mom, now that introductions are done can we give (y/n) a lift she forgot her umbrella and I'm not letting her walk home' his mother smiled looking at you through the rear-view mirror
'Of course, I'm Carla lovely to meet you sweetheart' you blushed and pushed a lose piece of hair from your face
'Lovely to m-meet you mam, y-your son and yourself are very kind for doing this' you smiled as she laughed
'Oh please cal, me Carla, Blume (German for flower)'

'Eren Wer ist diese süße junge Dame?' She smirked as her son blushed
(Who is this sweet young lady?)

'Mama, sie ist nur mein Freund von der Schule!' He shouted turning red
(Mum, she's just a friend from school!)

'!ohh ist das die berühmte Blume, in die du verknallt bist, oh wie süß!' She laughed
(Oh is this the famous flower you have a crush on, oh how sweet!)

'Okay you can leave me here, I can just run down this street and I'll be home' you smiled as the older female nodded
'Of course, take care sweetheart!' She smiled as you smiled back
'Thank you!'

Day of party

'Ohh~ just on time (y/n)' hanji smiled as she rolled her eyes
'Yeah yeah, I'm just here so you don't screw up'  she mumbled walking in with two litre bottles of Diet Coke.
'So please don't screw up' she smiled as hanji laughed
'Wow, I'm glad you have so much faith in me'

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