Natsu x mother (dragon shifting) reader

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So basically reader is able to shape shift from a dragon to a human, reader and ingneel were in love, igneel finds Natsu and reader helps raise him. When igneel disappeared so did (y/n), but she comes back.

(D/c)=dragon colour

'Igneel have you seen Natsu anywhere?' The (d/c) asked flying down next to the red dragon as he shook his head
'No, perhaps we should check the forest?' Before the two dragons could move a small voice caught their attention
'IM DOWN HERE!!!' Looking down they saw a small pink haired boy furiously waving his arms as (y/n) chuckled
'Well hello there little one' she smiled as he pouted
'No fair! You guys are like ten times my height of course you can't see me!' He yelled as the female dragon smiled. A cloud of (f/c) smoke covered her and became smaller, when it disappeared a female with(h/l) (h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes, dark scarlet wings and two dark scarlet red horns smiled at the child
'Happy now?' She asked as he laughed and hugged her as she smiled holding him
'Yeah!' They laughed as igneel chuckled above them

'Good try natsu' (y/n) encouraged as Natsu once again failed at his alphabet
'But it's A, B, then C not Q, S and C' she laughed as he frowned
'This is stupid!' He through a stick as she sighed
' I know, I hated it too, but when your older and go to live in a town you need to be able to spell, write and read' he sighed and nodded as she hugged him
Don't worry, let's try again, yeah?' He smiled at her and the two continued to write
'Hey (y/n)?' Said lady looked at him as he pointed to the scarf around her neck, it was white with a black square pattern throughout it. (Natsus scarf)
'Where did you get that scarf, you always wear it even when it's like a million degrees!' She smiled and laughed as she unwrapped it from her neck.
'Igneel gave it to me, quite the charmer her was' she laughed
'He gave it to me when I was still a dragon, before I told him about my transformation abilities, it was more of a ring as a dragon. Then I I used it as a scarf for human me' she smiled as he cheered
'Do you think I'll get a cool scarf like that?!' He beamed as she smiled softly at him
Maybe?'ll have to earn it' she smiled as he cheered about how he'll be the greatest and earn his scarf

'You can't be serious!? He's still so young! We can't leave him!' She yelled up to the male dragon as he sighed, looking to the cave were Natsu was asleep.
'It isn't my choice, we can't be with him forever (y/n), and being part dragon and dragon slayer means you must come with me' he tried to reason as the female felt tears filling her eyes, she held her hands to her heart, holding onto the scarf, and looked to the small child asleep.
'One more day...' she whispered as he raised an eye ridge at her.
'One more day with him igneel, that's all I want, then I'll go with you' she looked up to the towering being as he thought, then nodded.
'Very well we will stay one more day with him...(y/n), I know this is hard but we have to' he said sadly as she nodded, wiping her eyes.
'Fine then'

'Natsu! Dinner time!' The (h/c) lady yelled as the boy came running
'Aww yeah!' He sat down by the fire as she handed him some food
'Thanks mom!' He smiled as he began to eat, not even realising what he had said.( Y/n) eyes widened as she put her hand on her heart, then she smiled.
'No problem Natsu, anything for my boy!' The two smiled as they began to eat.
(Y/n) felt the guilt inside her welling bigger and bigger as the pink haired boy smiled and talked happily about how much fun his day with her had been. Oh how she would miss this, tears fell from her eyes as natsu walked up to her and wiped them
'(Y/ why are you crying?' He frowned as (y/n) felt her heart shatter more and more, but she smiled and cupped the small boy's cheeks and kissed his head.
'I'm just so happy to have a son like you, my handsome little boy' she grinned as he smiled brightly at her.
'Well then I'm happy I have a mom like you! I never really had a mom, but if I did then I bet she is exactly like you! So technically you are my mom!' He laughed as she smiled and hugged him, ignoring the hurt inside her
'Of course, I mean igneel is like your papa, so that makes me the mama' she grinned as he jumped along

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