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*General Rules-
•No disrespect or rudeness allowed. Be nice to each other.
•Add this book to you library or reading list, so you will get updates when they come.
•Follow the hosts.

*Entery Rules
•Follow this account
•Follow the judges of your category
•As of now, only English written books will be accepted. Maybe if this goes well, we will add different language books next year.
•The book you are entering must have at least 3 chapters.
•You may enter up to 3 books, but they can not be in the same division category.
*Ex. You can not enter two Yoongi books in the Cypher Pt. 1 division.
•Any books that glorify themes such as suicide, rape, abuse, etc. Will not be accepted. If you want to know if your book will qualify, then please ask.
*We will be making sure you are following these rules, if you aren't then we will give you one warning before disqualifing your entry.

*Judge Rules
•Follow this account and hosts
•Do not follow back the authors in your category. If you happen to be following them already, you don't have to unfollow them.
•Please judge fairly. I know that your friend's book may be awesome, but please judge all entries by the given criteria.
•No commenting or voting on the stories you are reading. I know this is hard to do, but voting is one of our prizes.
•You may judge and participate, but you may not judge a category you are in.
•We will only accept the first 4 judges per division category.
*If we feel you haven't followed the rules or judged your division category fairly, then we will be forced to find another judge.

Make sure to follow the rules and have fun. We will be accepting the first 10 entries in each division category and we will have 4 judges each.

I know this is a lot to process and as time goes on I may have another rule brought to my attention and I will update this page then.

BTS Cypher Awards 2018 (JUDGING PERIOD)Where stories live. Discover now