Story of the Demons love life

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:Authors note:

Hey guys this is my first real story so dont be hatin' on it i dont usually wright stories so...anyway... enjoy!


'God why did i have to pick this mission?!' Thought Omikron as he walked down the corridors of hell, he had just chosen a mission to disguise himself as an angel and invade Heaven to plan out Hell's next attack.

'They are gonna find out im not a demon and they will freakin' kill me!'

He walked into his cell to change into a white v neck t-shirt, white skinny jeans, and white converse, (his "angel" costume).

He had just walked out of his cell when his brother came running up to him.

"Omikron!wait for meeeeehhh!!!!!!!"

Joshua yelled.(Joshua is his younger brother).

'Damnitt...' Omikron thought to himself, his little brother was so damn annoying it was sickening.

"What do ya want now little fuck tard?" Omikron said to joshua.

"I made you a cake for your mission!"

Joshua handed him a cake, Omikron accepted because its fu**ing cake.

Omikron devoured the cake as he walked into the portal to the outskirts of heaven, soon beginning his f***ed up mission.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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