bad news and good news

18 4 2

I did my work and the boy who sat next to me kept poking me on the back and making yo Mama jokes. So I got really mad and pushed him out the seat the teacher came over to the desk on a hurry so he couldn't hit me back. “You better stop talking bout my Mama cause I'll stump on your face" I said as the teacher held me back as tried to kick him. “ Cut it out "! she yelled. “ Both of you go down to isd and I will get the Dean on you". I immediately stopped and sat back down she wrote both of us down to isd and we also got suspended. I slammed the door on the way out and spit on the ground I stumped till I was in the room. I gave Mr.Crantly the paper and went to a desk. She hadn't gave me any work so I put my head down and went to sleep. I woke up because the teacher yelled telling every one it is lunch I hopped up and got in the line. Aftee lunch we were to go back down to our class room. I ran to be in front of ‘the one who like to tell the yo Mama jokes '. I made it in the classroom just before it was time for everyone to line up. We were now on the way to the cafeteria to get out rewards and have our dance off. I was the first name to be called and I got every reward. When the rewards was over I danced with my friends. Everyone got in a big circle and somebody had to get in the middle. So I did it and I did the naenae cause thats what was on. I dis it wrong bit played it off like I knew what I was doing. Every one laughed and had a good time and when it was time to go nobody wanted to go home.

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