Chapter 2: The Banquet

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This chapter I am dedicating to MLB998, because she was the one who suggested I elaborate on the banquet scene so that my readers (you guys) could get a better perception of what the people who lived in Aspenfall thought of their queen. I thought it was a good idea, so I took it upon myself to create the scene. Some of you have mentioned that Aqua seems too perfect. Perhaps. She is the manifestation of my idealized self, but she does have internal conflict as well, which will be expanded upon later. I hope you will stick around to find out more because I don't intend to give you a cliché fairytale. Remember, I am planning on this to be a trilogy, so I hope you will stay with me, because let me tell you, the plot I have in mind for the next two stories is anything but a fairytale. Glad to have you onboard, so now here's your chapter. I hope you enjoy it!


The two followed the flattened grass path down to the grand pavilion tent, trodden upon by so many feet. Aqua took the lead, with Olivia one step behind. Aqua stopped for a moment to adjust the glittering circlet atop her head, and Olivia bumped into her.

"Oops, sorry!" she squeaked in surprise, grinning sheepishly. Aqua laughed, a clear, joyful, crystalline sound that cut through the warm, late afternoon air.

"Don't worry about it," she reassured, "It was my fault, really."

Aqua's crown had fallen to the grass. She bent down to pick it up, admiring its beauty. It had two elegant spires that swept up and clutched a small diamond-sapphire between their tips, which was supported by a third, rising straight up from the middle. Spiraling patterns of shining metals branched out from either side of it, decorating the empty spaces in between. More intricate designs branched from this central piece and dwindled away toward the back, following a symmetrical design and creating a delicate mirroring effect. The whole thing was finely crafted out of pure silver with bits of gold woven in here and there. It was light, yet durable, and overall very pretty in its design. It was the most treasured thing the Royal Blacksmith had ever crafted in all of Aspenfall's history.

Aqua carefully tucked it back into the folds of her hair and turned toward Olivia, grinning. "So how do I look?"

"My, my," Olivia teased, shaking her head disapprovingly, "You're as vain as a peacock! You're fine; stop fretting like a fidgety old mother hen."

"Well, you've got the old part right," Aqua winked. "But I prefer... ancient." She gestured dramatically with a sweep of her hand. "Well, I guess that's pushing it, but someday I will be."

Olivia turned to look at her, confused. "You've lost me, milady."

Aqua smiled to herself, then remembered, with some return of anxiety, "Well what I've been meaning to say is that this is an important night. All of my Council members are coming. Not only am I their host, but I'm also expected to be their leader, me being Queen and all, and... What if I mess up? What if—"

"Yes I know, Aqua," Olivia replied respectfully, "You've already told me a dozen times. Besides, you look stellar. You'll be fine! But what did you mean by—"

"We're here," Aqua said cutting her off.

Olivia picked up on the sign, and instead said, "Don't worry, milady. They all know you well. It's not as nerve-wracking as when trying to make a good first impression."

"I know," Aqua replied. "But they are still honored guests and I am still their Queen. I want to show that I'm strong and—"

"Shush, milady," Olivia said, halting. "We're here.

Long, elegant, light purple curtains hung off of the tall, wide frame of the pavilion. Two poles held up the middle, and Aqua knew the table inside had been specially designed to go around them. Two guards waited at the front entrance, where the curtains were pulled back to create the entryway, draped in lace and decorated with delicate vine and tinsel.

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