Chapter 1: Unexpected Visitors

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Chapter 1:

Unexpected Visitors

“We're taking her.”

These words had been playing through my head so many times that they lost meaning. “Taking her.” I mouthed the words. Dry tears stained my face and I had a hard time breathing. Taking me. Where are they taking me?

I was sitting in a stone, callous alleyway, squeezed between two bustling shops. My vision was blurred by sadness, and I was curled in a ball with my head between my shaking knees. I was sobbing, heaving, my heartlurched at the thought of what just happened.

What did happen?

The thought of being separated from my mom was despicable! It could never be even a slim possibility! We had been through thick and thin together, and there was no chance that she would let me be taken by those strange people. I wouldn't leave her on her own either. I could hear her warm coo in my thoughts, comforting me. “Nikki, sweetheart,” she'd start, her fingers nimbly straightening my hair. “You know that I love you. We'll be safe together, just like we always were.” I would hug her, and everything would be okay.

It was different this time though. I could feel it, thickening in my stomach, filling me with heat but forcing me to shiver. 

“He's evil!” I yelled, not caring who heard. “He's evil! He ruins everything!” I punched my hands into the cobblestone ground, slashing open the flesh covering my knuckles. Feeling physical pain was easier than what I was feeling in my heart. I felt my face turn red, and I held my breath. I was mad. No, I was furious!

How dare he even think about my mother. She was the kindest person I had ever met. My mom looked like me; fair skin the color of winter moonlight, tall and skinny with a pronounced bust. In contrast to my own anatomy, she had blonde hair with bangs, and the brightest blue eyes. She always smelled warm like springtime picnics and nights by the fire. Mom danced around the house singing like a busy hummingbird, enjoying doing chores to care of her only child, like any proud single parent.

This happy image made my rage disappear, and tears began to pour from my eyes once again in heaps. All of this happy life was in jeopardy.


I called out. I wanted to save her. I wanted to be able to protect her, like I always have. My mom used to joke when I was little that I did more mothering to her than she did to me. This time was different though. I had a sickening feeling that filled me up and crashed into me like vicious rogue waves. This time, I couldn't protect her, I could feel it. People were trying to protect me, and I hated that.

That man who called himself my father was going to pay. How dare he scare my mom, and try to separate us. He was going to hell, and I was dragging him there myself.

I realized at that point that I wasn't doing any good for anybody just sitting in the dark and crying. I shook my head, trying to clear my mind and vision, but stopped because it made me dizzy. “Come on Nikki. Don't feel so sorry for yourself.” I said, trying to focus on something that gave me a reason to get up.

I raised myself on bloodied hands that were a bit rigid and numb due to my abuse of them. I wiped them across my eyes to clear away the drying streams of tears. I finally looked around at my surroundings for the first time. On either side of me were dirty store walls, caked in the greasy filth that alleyways are often drenched in. “Great choice, Nikki.” I said punching myself in the shoulder and even smiling a little. Yes sir, I thought with a malicious smile. I'm taking that smarmy b*****d to hell.

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