An Explosion, a Threat, a Night with Friends -- Quality Time with the Twins?!

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Later that day, Mrs. Weasley fixed the house dinner. All of her food was good enough to die for, and she enjoyed making it too. "Ohoho why, I'm so glad you like it, sweetheart!" She'd coo to Harry, Hermione, and me. "Ronald! Save some for your friends!" It was just too bad; Fred and George weren't allowed to eat at the dinner table that day (and had many more punishments)for what they said to me, and were sentenced to a sort of room-arrest. 

What a shame.

"She had already taken down six fully grown Death Eaters!" Sirius bellowed after dinner drunkenly, holding up five fingers for visual effect. 

"I don't think it was--" I tried to correct, but was cut off once again. I rolled my eyes, annoyed with Sirius' dramatics but still flattered by his bragging. He was like the crazy uncle I never had. 

"She went, she had fallen at least thirty feet! Struck square in the chest! Nothing below her but the cold, hard ground." He clapped his hands together, a metaphor for my body kersplat-ing into the earth. Sirius' audience gasped. "So me and Mooney, we see her, we figure she must be completely broken. I mean she got knocked from so high by such a bloody strong spell! I mean, we hoped for the best, so we fought off the last of the b*stards, and we tried to apparate here, to the Burrow. We hear Nikki mutter out, ever so softly, "Sirius used and absurdly high and nasally voice to impersonate me, "'Stupefy' and someone fell. They could've killed us. All three of us. We owe Nikki our lives." Padfoot finished dramatically,trying his best to talk me up to the house full of people who were so unsure of my loyalty, but meant every word that he said. He hugged me like a bear, and I was drowned by the smell of liquor. 

"Oh. Don't worry about it." I called out from the depths of Sirius' hug, completely enveloped in his embrace. Our audience laughed. 

"I think it's time for bed, Sirius." Lupin decided. 

"Fine, husband!" Sirius wobbled to his feet, and patted me on the head. "Goodnight, child!"

 "Goodnight, Mom," I answered with a goofy grin, "Pops."I nodded at Lupin, who was thoroughly embarrassed, and held his face in his hand while the Weasleys, Hermione, and Harry all laughed out loud at my makeshift family's strange dynamic.

"So did you really?"Harry asked me hesitantly after Lupin and his Godfather had left."Did you really fight the Death Eaters?" His emerald eyes gleamed with both anxiety and curiosity. "Well, I mean, it obviously wasn't everything Sirius made it out to be, but I mean... I guess I did fight them a little." I announced bashfully, realizing for the first time what I had done, knowing that I had helped the battle against Adrian and his cronies. It felt good. "Maybe sometime we could--"

An eruption sounded upstairs.

It sounded like a freight train carrying chemical weapons colliding with a highly active volcano, and rumbled the entire unstable building until it felt like it'd crumble to the ground. Harry, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and I—the only people in the room—had gasps and surprised out of our open mouths. While Ron and Harry looked at each other confused, Ginny and I were giddy with anticipation. The blast still rung in our ears as Lupin and Mrs. and Mr. Weasley came running into the room with their wands ready. "Kids!Are you all okay? Where was it? Where did it come from?!" They were wildly scurrying about, counting attendance while trying to locate the source of the explosion. "You all need to go downstairs, and find Sirius, tell him---" Mrs. Weasley stopped dead in the chaos,and furious realization swept over her face.

"Boys."She growled through a clenched jaw and gave the meanest look I've ever seen on a human being in my entire life. I don't think the Devil himself could contort his face into a more fear inducing look of pure menace. 

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