Why'd You Leave Me?

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"There you are!... Did something happen?"

Sirius and Lupin seemed relieved to have found me, especially unharmed. I looked back toward where the boy just disappeared to. "Don't get your panties in a bunch." I scoffed, aloof. For some reason I felt like my new friend didn't want my companions to know that we'd met, but I didn't want to conceal it either. So, like any smart teenager, I changed the subject. "I take my eyes off of you for one minute—" Remus started, but I interrupted...

"Lupin, are you married?"

"Good question!" Sirius, my partner in crime, joined in with me! "Now, no changing the subject! Don't encourage him, Nikki! You aren't supposed to leave our sight—someone is trying to kidnap you for Merlin's sake!" the poor man rushed his words defensively.

Sirius and I exchanged devilish grins.

"Now for Merlin's sake," I started, perfectly replicating Remus' voice, "Why don't you set a good example for me and stay on topic?" The three of us were starting back home. "Good teachers lead by example. She needs a strong father figure right now." Sirius looked at Remus scathingly, while I attempted to look as needy and pitiful as possible, like a little kicked puppy. "So," We said in unison. Lupin looked like he wanted to die, or kill one (or both) of us.

"Any lucky ladies in your life?" I asked as sweetly as humanly possible. I batted my eyelashes for added effect. Lupin's mask cracked, and he grinned, though malevolently. "No dessert for you two tonight!" He said, knocking our heads together. We all laughed on our way home. I had successfully kept my meeting a secret—without lying. Was keeping it a secret in the first place just as bad?

We arrived home with time to study before dinner. I was still improving quickly in my wand-work, even though my mind was focused on the golden haired boy I had just met. There was another teenager I could talk to. I was going to see him tonight! I wondered why he wanted to see me so late at night though, and why he didn't want Remus and Sirius to know we had met. It sure was a lot more exhilarating with all of the mystery however, I had to admit. I finished brewing my first attempt at a swelling solution, and Lupin was testing its accuracy by casting certain spells on it and measuring the potion's reaction.

"Lumos!" The end of my wand emitted a soft light that was nearly invisible at this time of day. It was convenient that it was the first spell I learned, because it would be crucial tonight. "Nox!" I extinguished the light. "Lumos!" I repeated. I had been practicing the spell for the past ten minutes, but wanted to be sure I had 100% accuracy, "Nox." "Why don't you practice the other spell you know?" Remus interjected. My teacher was proud that I had learned so much in less than week; he acted like a proud father.

"Accio chocolate!" I pointed my want at Lupin's pocket and smirked. The chocolate he always kept on him flew obediently into my outstretched palm. Lupin held his hand out and the chocolate slipped from my hand back into his. I frowned. Traitor chocolate...

"Alright," he sighed, "You can practice whatever you want." Sirius was gone from the house like he often was, and would probably be returning tomorrow morning after breakfast. "I have to remind you, witches and wizards your age can't use magic outside of school. Dumbledore made an exception for your case, obviously. Remember that though, in case we ever run into any muggles." Remus had already explained to me what muggles were, and that my mom was one.

Sirius shuffled into the house through the rickety front door and its screen. He seemed aggravated and sullen. "Sirius, what's wrong?" I asked. It wasn't like Sirius to be anything but silly or stubborn. "Harry still isn't allowed to come to the Burrow. What is Albus thinking?!" Sirius beat his fist into the wall. "Now, Sirius," Lupin tried to comfort his friend, "You know that Dumbledore is the wisest wizard of our time. You know he must have a reason to keep Harry in his family's home." Sirius and Lupin talked about Harry often, and Lupin explained to me once that Harry was their late best friend's son, and that Sirius was his godfather.

"That's exactly the point!" Sirius yelled, "I know he's smart, so why is he acting so stupid? I'm going to go see him. As Padfoot. I'm going!"

"Don't be so selfish!" Lupin scolded, maintaining a calmer composure, "If you saw him in your dog-form, it would take you days to get to Surrey and back! Nikki needs you here to protect her."


Then he looked at me, instantly regretting what he said. "Nikki, I—"

His words hit me hard. They surprised me; it was like running into a glass door at 50 miles per hour. The impact stung my body. "Sirius, it's alright." I said, my tone flat and unemotional. I knew I was going to cry. I stood up from my seat at the table, and walked up the stairs to my room stiffly, like a robot in need of oil.

I heard yelling ensue downstairs. I heard words like "careless", "selfish", and "childish." I tuned them out. So, not even Sirius wants me? I was really happy here with him. I thought—, tears started rolling from my eyes. I thought he really cared for me. "I thought we were a family." I muttered to myself a little loudly, and kicked my wall. "I THOUGHT WE WERE A FAMILY!" I yelled.

The room was shaking violently, and wind came roaring in waves through my window. I was sobbing now, like I did every night so quietly so that no one would hear my depression, my loneliness. This time though, everyone could hear me.

"WE'RE SUPPOSED TO BE A FAMILY!!" I screamed again, taking a desk lamp from my room and throwing it at a wall. "I'M SICK OF THIS!" I shrieked, hysterical.

"I'M SICK OF THIS! I WANT MY OLD LIFE BACK!" Two strong arms wrap around me, and I collapsed into them. "Mom." I called out hopelessly.

"Mom, why'd you leave me?"

Hello readers!

Hi, I'm really sorry I haven't published... well... anything in ages. I just have really been enjoying my senior year in high school, no excuses. It's been a blast, but the other day I found this draft on my computer, along with a dozen or so more, so I figured why the hell not? Here you go if anyone is even interested. I'm sorry to the people who were reading this before I stopped publishing :(

@ElizabethLiddell @cutie6503 @fattotorolover

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