Becoming A Shaman : Shaman Ethics

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What are shaman ethics?
It's just how you're supposed to behave when you're a shaman. It's an unwritten rule that you have to follow while playing Transformice.

1. Do not kill the other shaman when you're in a dual shaman map.
>> this is downright annoying. Do not kill the other shaman when you're in a dual shaman map, it shows that you're selfish and self centred. If you really do need saves, kindly request the other shaman if you can have the majority of the mice to go into your hole. If not, the best thing to do is to divide the saves.

2. Do not cannon other mice on purpose.
>> Survivor mode exists for a reason. If you have the feeling to cannon everyone to death, playing in a survivor room can help. Do not cannon mice in normal/vanilla rooms, it's rude.

3. Do not block the micehole on purpose.
>> Blocking the micehole is very annoying indeed. No matter how many people are actually present/playing in the room, blocking the micehole on purpose is annoying.

4. Do not favo.
>> Favoing is nonsensical. You should work for your firsts, not get them for free.

5. Do not make laggy builds.
>> This is very hard to avoid, however if you're doing it on purpose, it's annoying especially for mice with higher ping.

6. Apologise for making a mistake.
>> It's your fault if your build fails and murders everyone. So it's the best to apologise, common ethics.

7. Do not be AFK on purpose during your shaman turn.
>> If you really have to be AFK then mention in the chat to avoid wasting time.

8. Be equal with saves
>> During dual shaman maps that have the blue and pink shaman micehole, try your very best to be equal with the saves. Do not hog all the saves, as this is disrespectful to the other shaman.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2018 ⏰

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