A new start

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Its her. He thought as he looked to the girl walking home from a day at work.

She had dark blonde hair and eyes of the sky mixed with emralds. Her skin was faire, as faire as he remembered. Her small, frail frame had lost the tone it once had over fifteen hundred years ago.

Just as he remembered, but different. Just then, the witch behind him sounded. "When do we retrieve her? I am growing impateint, and the Xaolin Warriors will be here soon." Chase looked away from the girl and to Wuya. "Patience is something you must keep in this situation. She will come to us, if her destiny says so."

Wuya scoffed. "She is hardly a person. Nothing more than a personified Shen Gong Wu." Chase Young turned sharply, shooting daggers from his eyes at Wuya. "Hold your tounge, hag."

She gave in, crossed her arms and turned away. He turned to take one last glance at her. Avery... he thought, The years... have been very friendly...
"Once, long ago, Grand Master Dashi, Master Monk Guan, and Chase Young were all on the side of good. However, there was a female in the mix, born of magic. At a young age, she chose the name Avery for herself. She was every bit of a Master fighter as the three of them. But, Shen Gong Wu are easily persuaded, going to the side of whoever picks them.

"It was not a good time for her to be in, so as her own wish, she chose to be trapped and hidden right before Wuya was captured. As much as the three wanted to free her, the imprisonment would last fifteen hundred years. Now, her time has come to reawaken, as a new girl. She will not remember her old life until it is revealed to her."

The young Monks looked at Dojo like he was crazy. "So... You're saying that this girl is a Shen Gong Wu? Thats insane." Kimiko said when the story was finished. "Yes. And yes, it is insane. But, hey... she was quite a looker. She was mortal, and really close to Chase. Since she was kinda frozen without ice, she'll still be about 20 years old."

They all excahnged glances. "I think she will be most impressed with the way we warriors interact now!" Omi stated proudly. Raimundo smiled. "If shes still a looker, I call dibs!" He called, raising a hand. "Now, wait a second.., the legend said she could be easily swayed. So what if the Heylin side gets to her first?" Clay said. Everyone paused and Dojo quickly transformed and flew them away. "I may have forgotten to mention the urgancy of this..."

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