dig or dick ?

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It's December. It's snowing everywhere .. So Louis and Harry stay at their house cuddling each other to keep each other warm.

''Well Hazzie , do you know what day is it tomorrow ? '' Louis asks , with a smile on his cute face.

" sleeping day . "Harry jokes.

Louis pouts and stands up , moving away from Harry , who lets out a small laugh .

"I'm sorry Lou . Of course I know what day is it tomorrow.  It's my baby's birthday . C'mon,  cheer up baby koala . "Harry apologizes , hugging Louis from behind. 

"You scared me daddy koala . I thought you forgot. " Louis says. (Omg. Daddy koala and baby koala . Those nickname are so cute. .. 😍😍)

"Sweetheart, how could I forgot you birthday ? The most handsome and cute man in the world was born on that day 20 years ago.  " Harry says .

"Ahh , don't tell me how long it has been since I was born.  You made me feel like I'm old. . " Louis says while covering his ears.

Harry laughs . " Oh no,  you're not old. You're still young and cute. And you have a beautiful bod-"

Harry is cut off by a huge crash outside their main  door. 

"What was that ?"Louis asks .

Harry picks Louis up and puts him on the bed , telling him he'll go and check and Louis is not allowed to get off the bed.

Harry tries to open the main door. But he can't . He pushes harder but the main door isn't open yet . 

He rushes back to their room and peeks through the window to figure out why can't he open the main door. He gasps after he knows what's wrong.

"What is it haz? " Louis asks curiously after seeing his boyfriend's reaction .

"Snow. They're blocking our way out of that door. "Harry answers .

"You mean we're stuck in our house ? Forever ?" Louis asks , worrying about they can't go out their house. 

"No . silly.  We're not . Remember we have a back door ? We can go out through it. ''Harry laughs.

Louis blushes. ..

'' okay.  Baby, you've to get up now. Im getting the shovels and we're cleaning the snow.  ''

They get up and out of the house through the back door. Harry quickly goes to the garden shedand grabs two shovels and gives one to Louis.

"So I now announce . This place has been divided to two areas. One of us cleans this area anf the oother one is cleaning that area over there. Hurry up, who is the last one who finishes cleaning his area has to make dinner all by himself.  Race ya Lou . " Harry quickly rushes to the area that's far way from Louis.

"Okay Hazza " Louis replies and starts cleaning the snow.

Just then , two men walk by Louis. 

"Look what he's doing . He's so cute . "The man , Jake says.

And his friend,  Clint looks over to know what Jake is talking about. 

"Yeah Jake . Let's go and say hello . "Then they walk toward Louis .

"Hey ya cute little boy. . Digging hmm?" Jake asks .

"Uhm ,yeah. I'm digging .. " Louis replies ,not looking at Jake and Clint .

"Hey , it's not good for not looking at the person who's talking to you.  "Clint walks towards Louis ,placing two fingers below Louis' chin and tittle his head up .

"There , what a pair of gorgeous blue eyes . "Jake says.

"Thanks , but I need to get back to my work . " Louis says.

"What kind of work ?"

"Digging. .." Louis replies , quietly.

"Wow , alright .. tell us you like to dig then we'll let you go .. " Clint says.

"I like to dig.." Louis says.

On the other side , Harry is busying with his digging . But he hears Louis saying those word. But , he hears it wrongly.  He hears Louis saying dick.

"What ? You want my baby to suck you off?" Harry says .

"Hey , mind your words .. " Clint and Jake say at the same time .

"Harry , what are you talking about ? "

"You want him to suck your dick? "Harry tries again.

Jake and Clint end up laughing , Louis is laughing as well.

"What ? " Harry asks .

"Well... well ... well.. I don't know who you are . But we didn't tell him to suck us off. . "

Harry eyes widened. 

"You didn't? "

"Hazzy. . No .. they didn't ask me to do that. They just want to hear me saying I like to dig.  "Louis explains. 

" Oh .. Why ? "Harry growls.  He thinks Clint and Jake is trying to bully his baby .

"We just want to make a new friend. Sorry we scare you little boy. I'm Jake, Jake Stark. "Jake apologizes introduces himself.

"And I'm Clint, Clint Barton. "(I know what you''re thinking about.  But that's not that Barton. )

" Oh in that case . I'm Harry ,Harry Styles . " Harry greets them. "And this is my boyfriend , Louis Tomlinson. "

Louis waves at them.

"I know you're protecting your boyfriend.  But next time,  can you at least please know what's going on  before you make any decisions.  "Clint says while laughing. 

"Alright ."

"Well, Harry, the snow hasn't been cleared off yet..  "

"Oh yeah.. "

"Well guys, Clint and I better get going.  It's nice to get to know you.  Hope we can meet again in future. Bye ."Clint and Jake wave them goodbye.

"Bye.. " Louis and Harry say at the same time, laughing before continuing their work.

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