Merry Christmas

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Maya. I look at my phone a it was 7:00 and i ran in mommy and daddy room and jumped on the bed and said get up get up get up its Christmas

Jordan ok ok 5 more minutes

Kam 10 more minutes

Maya okay but im going to get. Jr

Kam ight than come back to get us

Jordan yall cant open 🎁 to every one get her

Maya all man

Jordan. I went to start on the cake y kam to the ham and my mom do the turkey and my brother did the cornbread and dressing

4 hours later

Mom the food all done and its 5 o'clock

Maya I'm ready to eat eat

Jordan what u want baby

Maya every thing but the turkey

Jordan ight

Kam baby i want every thing

Jordan. Who said im about to make yo food baby god blessed u with two hands and two feet used them to get up and make yo food

Knock on the. Door

Jordan i will get it

King mmumm heyyy jordan

Jordan look ik u kissed me but just act like u didn't

King look bitch my name is king than i slap her and slap her again idc if u not with me u left cuz i beat u but know im get u back

Kam nigga did u hit my wife huh bitch nigga

King yup i did lil pussy nigga

Kam if maya wasnt yo child i would have. Layed u out

Jordan baby i would have did that his soft nigga only hit me cuz he raped he and i lost 1 child by him i said and ran than cryed

Kam this not over

Maya mommy are u ok

Jordan yea baby when yall get done eating open yall suff and when yall leave lock up the house

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