A Christmas Surgery... Pt1

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\Before he comes back\
"Things are looking good, but we might have to do surgery, there are some peices stuck in you, so we'll do that tomorrow OK?" The doctor explained and I stood there, in disbelief. Surgery? "Um... Yeah, that's... Itll, yeah no that sounds good" I walked with the nurse on the way back

Where we're at now
I woke up slowly, finn breathing steadily next to me as a light knock rang through the room and a Ding went through Finns phone. "Who's texting me?!" Finn croaked as we woke up. He reached over and grabbed his phone. "Jesus wyatt" I muttered at the missed calls and 7 missed messages. "Guys... Its us, Wyatt and jaeden" finn groaned and got up slowly as he opened the door. "What?" He groaned as I got up next to him, intertwining our fingers. "So how's everything going jack?" Jaeden asked and I automatically answered, hoping finn didn't ask questions of me not talking to him about it. He didn't need this stress on him right on Christmas. "just a surgery, no big deal." Finn gave a sympathy smile and kissed my head, forcing me to smile like an idiot. "Good luck baby" finn whisperd in my ear then loudly anounced jaeden has to go to do somthing, pulling finn with him, leaving me and wyatt awkwardly. "What do you think thats about?" Wyatt asked.
"Drugs" and with that, he walked into the room.

"I HAVE TO DO SOMETHING AND JAEDEN WILL ASSIST ME IN THIS." i announced loudly and dragged jaeden with me to the stairs. "What are we doing?" I asked as he shut the door leading us in an empty staircase. "We should kiss." He said simply, and I shook my head "later honey, /sarcasm/ but what do you actually want?" He nodded to the lobby. "We should get them presents. Since we forgot about Christmas shopping." I opened my eyes widely and booked it down the stairs to the lobby, because jack will have the perfect present for him.

hopefully this is good, I'm trying to fit an Xmas story in here so hope you like it ❤❤👌(even tho I suck lol)

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