Chapter 13: Determination

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Haruto POV

"Until when do you plan on doing this?" Miyamoto said as we both lay in bed playing games. "Doing what exactly?" I told him trying to avoid the subject. "'What exactly?' Maybe the fact that you and Ren haven't talked at all the past week. I know how hard that is for you. Why are you doing it? Stop being an idiot and start acting like a man." Bad news. Kazuki snapped at me. When he gets mad he is annoying as hell. I much better prefer Rens nagging than him. But I guess that doesn't even count as a comparison. When Ren gets mad he is hella cute. It makes me want to make him mine. But then I remember that he doesn't want anything with me and I return to my dull reality.

"Sigh! I don't know. Ren doesn't want to talk with me either. And I feel that even if I talk to him he would just ignore me." I said while lowering my voice by every word I said. Yeah, I want to talk with Ren. Yeah, I am in love with Ren. But he doesn't feel the same, I'm sure of it. Especially after how he ran away from me and then ignored me the next day.

We stayed silent a while. It was a little uncomfortable but it felt like the best thing to do.

Hashino POV

The conversation simply died off, leaving an uncomfortable feeling between us. Is not that I didn't have anything to say. Is just that saying nothing right was better than making things worst. I've been looking at Kazuki and Ren for a while now and if I'm not mistaken, they are both in love. From what I see Ren doesn't even know and Kazuki thinks he would lose Ren if he speaks his heart out. God, this is driving me crazy!

If my suspicion is true, then is about the time when Ren realizes his feelings. He has been looking really down since Kazuki stopped talking with him. And Kazuki? He is completely destroyed by everything. How can a kiss do so much? Sigh! They are both complicated people.

"And? Are you really going to ignore him till the end of the year? Do you plan to change your partner or what?" I said in an attempt to tempt him. "Huh!? I don't plan on changing partners!? And... About ignoring him... I have no idea until when. I guess when he feels like talking to me or something." He said that lost in thought. Sometimes it gets hard to understand him. He may usually act carefree but he worries about those he cares. And Ren is definitely important to him.

"Are you serious about that? Do you really think Ren will talk to you if you don't?" I told him with a surprised tone. Truth be told I can not see Ren starting a conversation. He is too shut at the world and really stubborn too. "Well... I hope so." He told me while being bright red. Sigh! What am I gonna do with him? He is a lost cause.

"Well! If you really think so then let it be so. But don't come at me with a broken heart when you get rejected." I told him in a joking tone with lightened the heavy mood from a moment ago. "Hmmm~ Do you really think I will come crying at you? You wish!" Kazuki said while smiling maliciously. "This is the Kazuki I know," I said while smiling. "Well, I can't drown in sadness now, can I? Besides, tomorrow is another day. Who knows? Maybe things will get better tomorrow." he said while smiling and looking at the distance.

Haruto POV

I feel terrible for what I did. I sure said too much to Miyamoto but I am not lying about it. I do believe he would come to talk to me at some point. Who knows what would happen tomorrow. But I would surely try to sort things out with Ren.

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