Mysteries of Willow Oak: character bios

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Courtney Reyes

Race: Caucasian

Age: 15

Height: 5'1"

Hair color/style: black, back length, straight, daisy in hair

Eye color: black

Body type: thin

Sexual orientation: undecided

Strengths: fearless, agile, quick, optimistic

Likes: being the center of attention, talking, having fun, laughing, dressing up, scaring people

Dislikes: being serious, not having any fun, boredom, feeling restrained

Family: two older sisters, mother, father

Clothing style: loud, colorful, cute graphic tees, vibrant colored pants, flats

Personality: Courtney is considered the extremely optimistic jokester of her friends. She's always in a good mood and is a huge risk taker. She loves playing jokes on her friends and has the knack to turn any serious situation into a not so serious one.

Kayla Reyes

Race: Caucasian

Age: 20

Height: 5'6"

Hair color/style: black with blonde highlights, shoulder length, wavy

Eye color: black

Body type: toned

Sexual orientation: heterosexual

Strengths: fashion

Likes: clothes, shoes, accessories, wearing makeup, looking cute

Dislikes: ugly outfits, getting dirty, studying, sweating, walking for long periods of time

Family: two younger sisters, mother, father

Clothing style: skinny jeans, skirts, pumps, designer clothes

Personality: Superficial, vain, obsessed with her looks, judgmental, and despises any kind of dirt and filth. She constantly butt heads with her younger sister, Katherine since the two of them are the exact opposite of each other. Kayla sees herself as a good friend by criticizing her friends' fashion sense. If they don't look good, then she doesn't look good.

Katherine (Kath) Reyes

Race: Caucasian

Age: 18

Height: 5'5"

Hair color/style: black, shoulder length, tied in a ponytail

Eye color: black

Body type: curvy

Sexual orientation: asexual

Strengths: intelligence, sarcasm

Likes: studying, researching, reading, school, solitude, being right

Dislikes: social events, people, superfical people, her sister Kayla's personality, being corrected

Family: one older sister, one younger sister, mother, father

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