Hurt And Comfort

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As they walked down to severus's quater, severus was very nervous but happy. He was glad his mate was harry but nervous harry might not want him. That is why in next two weeks, he tries to avoid Harry as much as possible. Things were bad enough with those impossible students that fawned over his cat ears and tails. He had probably taken most number of points in this two week than his twenty years. Needless to Say, Every house was in negatives.

After long two weeks, on Saturday he found a small kitten in dungeon. He smiled as he meowed to kitten and it came to his side. Like a father, severus begains to groom him but that was disturbed by his mate calling his name and he startled the poor kitty. The kitten also scratched his Cheek badly and severus hissed at harry for scaring his new friend.

He heard Harry call his name and he was happy, he really was but he still replied coldly. He couldn't let Harry know he loved him but what Harry said, jusy broke him. It was  plain confession that Harry thought he was being forced into it and that hurt severus. He didn't want to force harry or hurt him but he hardly had a choice. His hurt must have shown because Harry begain to speak bit he didn't want to hear it. Whatever it was, would be lie. He teddy heard the truth and he wasn't about to stay here for, he ran fast to his bathroom and locked the door. Tears streaming down his face. He now regretted his age, it seems that he would only go through the cold hell he was placed in once again, this time, without a certain redhead.

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