Chapter 2

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Eltons pov
Irresponsible they called me irresponsible I might not be thinking rationally. No no this is very rational. Right? I'm going to adopt a child. That's rational. I know that it's a bit dramatic but,I'm 27. I'm a fucking adult. And out of all people HE'S gonna call ME irresponsible.
COLBY BROCK is going to call me IRRESPONSIBLE.
Back to Diana's pov
He looked "interesting" not that he looked weird for say just something about him made him stand out. Mrs.Clifford Interrupts my thoughts by saying "Diana did you hear what I just said?" I stutter out a"nno ma'am."I bow my head down in embarrassment. On the inside I'm face palming for being so awkward.

Mrs.Clifford rolls her eyes and say's "will someone please explain to Diana what I just said?" Maci then proceeds to raise her hand and say"I will!" I raise my head slightly to listen .Mrs.Clifford nods her head for maci to continue. Maci then says "She told us to go to our rooms she will then call us one at a time to have a small interview." Mrs.Clifford then says "each interview will be 7mins long. Does everyone understand?" We all nod our heads and head up to our rooms.

I share a room with 2 other girls Lucy and Chelsea Lucy is 15 Chelsea I call her Chels is 16 both very nice girls. They mostly keep to themselves which I don't like that much but it's fine. We still talk quite a bit.

The room in front of ours has Lauren,Maci,Makenna,andAshley Lauren and Makenna are 8 year old twins.Maci and Ashley are 12 year old twins.

Then the room at the end of the hall were 3 kids Hannah,Kylie,and Stacey. Hannah is 6. Kylie is 2. Stacey is 10.

We decided to lean against the door to hear why Mrs.Clifford and Mrs.Castee were saying "Here Mr.Castee this is the information on Kylie she's our youngest she's two so she can't form sentences well yet it's hard to understand her. Then I heard a voice that was obviously a mans say "Oh no ma'am I'm terrible with little kids anyone under the age of five just doesn't turn out well. I'm just not good with kids." Alright then let's start the interviews.

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