The fault in our stars au

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The fault in our stars au


"Hazel Grace, I love you, you know that right?"

"Yes, I do." I watch Augustus, laying down on his bed, his skin pale and almost cool to touch.

"I love you too." I whisper, running my fingers through his hair, I smile down at him, his eyes shining in the sunlight thats coming through the curtains. A tear rolls down my cheek and onto his hand, this may be one of our last moments together. Te doctors don't think he can make it through the night.

"Don't cry, Hazel Grace. Death is a natural part of life."

"But what if you are my life?"

"Don't be silly," He smiles, white teeth appearing. "I'm not your life, I'm just simply a part of your life, wether it is a big part or small part of your life is up to you, but I am not you Hazel Grace. I am not your life."

"It feels like I've just met you, Gus. I miss you and you have not gone anywhere, in fact you're here holding my hand."

I pull the chair besides Gus' bed and sit down, not letting go of his firm grasp.

"I'm not going to be able to carry that anymore you know." I let out a quiet laugh, wiping my tears as I turn to look at my oxygen tank lying on the side of his bed pressing into the white hospital sheets.

"When my time gas come to be buried or scattered, I'm not certain yet, I want you to read An Imperial Affliction for me. You know my favourite part?" I nod. "Read that to me. Read it to everyone there. Never forget it, not even when we're both gone and we're up in the clouds together. I'll be waiting, waiting for you to recite it to me word for word."

"I could just print it out and place it on-"

"No, I want it to be read by your voice. My favourite thing, read by my favourite voice from my favourite person. Wouldn't that be nice, Hazel Grace?"

"I guess it would be amazing." He rubs his thumbs over my knuckles and its almost soothing. His touch calming me. I turn in my chair as the door opens, in walks Augustus' parents, they obviously want to spend their final night with him as do I. It's hard to believe that just yesterday we were sitting on the swings, not really engaging in conversation just enjoying one others company. We seem to do that a lot, just sit with our hands intwined, forgetting about all the things happening at the moment.

"Sorry." I whisper pulling my hand away to wipe it on my jeans before moving it back to how it was.

"Brilliant way to kill a mood, Hazel Grace." his chuckles fill the room, I look over to his mum sitting by the window, hand covering mouth, tears in eyes as her husband comforts her. It's not easy watching someone you love suffer and not being able to do anything. I shuffle over closer to him, craving more than a simple holding of hands. I bring my legs onto the chair and lean over to his chest.

"Please stop crying, Hazel Grace. If I go tonight I don't want the last thing I see is your teary face. I want to see you smile." I nod but the tears keep falling. My chest aches and I just want to sleep, it's been a long day but I don't want to leave his side. I know I'd be forced to move if I did fall asleep now, so his parents could say goodbye again. They did earlier though, when Mom took me out to have lunch, I was on edge. Afraid something would happen if I was gone, it was selfish of me to waste time where I could just be happy and push back everything thats happening away for a while, because when I came back my smiley, happy Augustus was sitting up eating his food and talking with his parents. They told me they'll be back around 5pm.

"It got dark quite quickly." I comment noticing the lack of light in the room.

"It did." I wish I didn't have to hear him, his voice was laced with pain and fake joy. It stabbed me in the chest, my arms, anywhere it could. I sit up slightly watching his face clench in pain.

"Don't cry, Hazel Grace."

"I'm not."

"I can hear you sniffling. Look at me Hazel." I do as I'm told. "Smile please." Without trying to force it as much, I try to smile as happily as I could besides the fact the one person I care most about is dying.

"Thank you." He closes his eyes, relaxing onto the pillow. "Now when I open my eyes and won't be able to see, all I will remember is your smile, your beautiful smile. Thank you."

"I love you, Augustus Waters."

"And I love you, Hazel Grace Lancaster."

"Honey, I think you need to have a wee rest." His mom says, her voice cracking at the end.

"I know Mom, but when I rest I know I won't wake up and I want to spend as much time as I can with her." I can't help but let out a sob, tears running down my face. I know Augustus can hear me but I can't stay strong for him forever. Not even now when that is one of the things he wants.

"Augustus you should rest, I don't want you to be in any more pain and please don't say its worth it because it's not. Please for me."

"Okay, for you. But remember our deal Hazel Grace, I want you up there at the altar, saying it line for line, word for word. And one more thing or maybe two. I want you to be happy Hazel Grace, I don't want you to spend the majority of your life in tears mourning over something thats gone. And promise me you will rest too, I don't want to fall asleep alone and you need to rest too and tomorrow we can wake up together, maybe I have another day or two in me. Okay?"



We fell asleep that night, hands interlocked not letting go. His heart stopped at about 4 in the morning. I heard the beep, but no one rushed to get me off just leaving me alone. I made promises to Augustus and I will fulfil them, so this is why I'm sitting alone in my room crying into our book, reading the words I've read so many times, the only difference is that these are the words which will now hold a story, just like this but a story which holds real memories, and real people. These words will be our words. I turn the page finding a blue sticky note.

Remember our deals. Okay?

I can't help but smile at his handwriting and how he had planned this all along, and before I know it I'm whispering the word "Okay."

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