9) A thought that turned into action

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I spent more time watching Underswap. Swap Sans, who I now adress as Blue, was very kind. I wanted to go back and better introduce myself, but I feared his brother. That look he gave me... That untrustful glare... No doubt he'd remember me, the trouble I caused. If Dream was able to remember me after that reset, then surely Papyrus would too. But why not Error?

I found myself staring at the ground rather than the floating paper in front of me. I look up again, a cheerful voice drawing back my attention. I saw it again and again. These timelines. Those resets... Blue stood in front of the human, his grin never leaving, as usual. Something caught my eye. The gleam of a knife. One would think I'm use to seeing the killing, the genocide, but I'm far from it. Seeing the death the human caused sometimes made me sick and this was the first I saw genocide in UnderSwap with my own eyes. Blue put his arms out, wanting to pull the child into a hug. I've seen the same happen before to the papyrus's. A betrayal kill.

I told myself to stay put. There was no way I was going back there, nor was I going to interfere with an AU anymore than I already have. I could practically feel the sweat pour down my skull. I CAN stop this. I COULD save Blue. But my body refuses to budge, as if I were glued to the ground I sat upon. The child hugs Blue, the knife once hidden in their sleeve slowly showing itself. As if I were hit by a bus, my body lunches into the page. I grab the demonic child and rip them away from Blue. I knew I had snapped hard this time, not having time to think of what I was doing. All I could see right now was a blur and the shock on Blue's face before I felt myself lifted off the ground.

Did I mess up? I feel dizzy and my body feels like it were made of noodles. I refused to open my eyes, but I perk up at the sudden warm air and the familiarity of a arm holding my body. I force my eyes to snap open and see the all too familiar green sofa and a blazing fireplace under the tv that sat on the wall. "But Papyrus! The human wanted to be my friend!", I hear Blue protest. I was so deep in my thoughts that I missed some of the argument, but I knew well enough that Blue was upset. "Listen bro. That human wanted something completely different than friendship." I shift in the Crease of Swap Paps arm, uncomfortable and feeling slight nausea from the way he held me. "Ah.. look who woke up finally. Not like it was as long as the last time.", Papyrus stated calmly. I knew it. He remembered, but Blue most likely didn't, because of how the timelines work here.

He sets me on the ground, I stumble, and work on getting my bearings straight. I wasn't use to teleporting like that since I couldn't myself. "Last Time? Is This Your Friend Brother?", Blue asks, Stars in his eyes again. It seems as though he had completely forgotten about the incident from before. "Yeah bro. This is Ink, an old buddy of mine. You never met him because he lives all the way in new home.", Papyrus explains calmly with a chill expression. I could almost hear gears turning as he thought of a story to cover up.

"WOWZERS!", he shouts as he takes my hand, shaking is rapidly in excitement. "IM THE MAGNIFICENT SANS! PAPYRUS'S SUPER COOL BROTHER!" "The coolest ever.", Paps states afterwards. Blue jabberd on and I soaked it all in. I didn't know what Paprus would do with me when Blue turns his back, but I was happy to finally meet up with him again. His positivity gave me the same feeling as Dream, his happy going attitude pouring from him. It was obvious by now that I felt the urge to go here because I liked being around Blue. But why..?

"I'LL MAKE TACOS TO CELEBRATE YOUR ARIVAL!", With that said, he once again ran to the kitchen. Similar to the last time, with some prep in his step. Once he disappears around the corner, I peer up at Papyrus. I could tell I had an 'ear' full coming at me, full throttle. He walks to the sofa and sits, gesturing to the spot next to him. I take the hint and sit next to him. The room was filled with awkward silence for a few moments and I speak up. "I know you didn't want to see me back here, but... I didn't want to see Blue killed like that." I bite my 'lip?' nervous about his incoming response. "I saw what happened to you back there... and it dawned on me at that moment I saw you torn to pieces that you meant no harm. I guess you could say I had a 'bone' to pick with you for the wrong reason.", he finishes with a small chuckle and I join in. "Besides, you saved my bro, so I'll cut you some slack for now."

I smiles greatfully at him and turn my attention to Blue who enters back in, carrying a plate of tocos. "For You New Friend!", he speaks with glee, and I take the plate from his hands. "Thanks pal. They look delicious." I hold my breath as I take a bite. Surprisingly, it wasn't AS bad as last time, but still gag worthy. But like a good friend that I apparently am, I swallow the bit of toco and smile warmly at Blue, as to keep a good act. He beamed with joy and jolts as he looks at the clock. "IM GOING TO BE LATE FOR TRAINING!" With a small breeze from the run, the door shuts fast and Blue is gone. I set the plate down and let out a deep sigh. "So you saw it huh? Me being ripped to shreds and yet.... I'm still here." I read the confusion and curiosity on Papyrus's face clearly. "Did you cause that reset?"


Heya everyone! Sorry for the LONG wait! I was busy with many other things and got caught up with life. But I will keep updating The joy of creation!

Thank you for being patient and sorry about the shorter chapter today. ^^'

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