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The Tree of Harmony lied before me, it's crystalline branches reminding me of home. The Crystal Empire. Everypony, not just the Crystal Ponies, but all ponies, were counting on me. The Amulet began to vibrate suddenly, and an opening in the shape of the golden gem appeared in the center of the tree, just under the moon embossed on the violet trunk. Without warning, the chain around my neck snapped, and the pendant flew into the opening, fitting perfectly. Golden tendrils sprouted from the gemstone.


Equestria was soon covered in golden light, enveloping ponies both alive, dead, and the Stallions, who were somewhere in between. As the alicorns of light and darkness battled, they saw the light swirling around them, and Starbright smiled.

"She did it."

"NO!" Darkblade cried out. "No, this can't be! I've worked too hard and gotten too far to fail!" She let out a battle cry, about to pierce Starbright with a beam of magic before everything as they had known it changed.


"Flurry, are you okay?" asked Amethyst? "The race is about to start."

The race.

She was back to where it had began.

Stormy, disguised just as she had been all that time ago, took off alongside Solar. The race was just as it had been, only Sombra and Chrysalis were nowhere to be seen.

Stormy ended up winning the race, and Solar didn't seem that disappointed. In fact, he seemed somewhat relieved. 

I'm surprised I didn't squeeze the life out of Amethyst when I saw her again. It must have been denial; I didn't believe she was dead. Now, she wasn't dead. Nobody was dead. Illusion hadn't turned, the twins hadn't lost their parents, Prism would've never become an Element of Disharmony and Star...


Where was Star?


It took months, but I found Star. In this timeline, Sombra overcame the evil inside of him. He and Star moved to the outskirts of Equestria, away from anypony who knew their faces. Star was confused by how I knew her at first, but I managed to convince her that my parents had told me her name.

When I saw Mom and Dad, it took every fiber of my being to not burst into tears and hug them. It was just a normal day, after all.

Solar moved back to the Crystal Empire and began to finish his education. He said he wanted to apply to the Royal Guard Academy soon. I was going to go back, since I had yet to in that timeline, but I needed to do some things first.

I convinced Mom to donate to the Cakes so that they could open up a store in Canterlot. I said the positive atmosphere they had would "better the community." I was the first customer.

I ordered cupcakes.


A little filly with a pink coat ran around the castle, giggling as she slid along the crystalline floor. Her mother followed behind, saying that she would catch her. When she finally caught her, the filly was worn out. The mother carried her to her room and set her down on her little bed. Just as she was leaving her daughter's room, she heard a little voice.

"Tell me the story again! The one with the alicorns."

The mother smiled.

"Once upon a time, a young alicorn wondered what her special talent was..."


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It's finally over. I don't even know how long it's been since I started this story, but I can't thank all of you enough for your support. I've loved writing Flurry's story and I'll be honest, she's probably one of my favorite character's to write about.

I dedicate this story to each and every single person reading these words. Without you, I wouldn't have gotten this far.

Remember guys: friendship is magic <3

_starflower <3

P.S. Oh wait I still need to edit book one and two...guess this isn't over quite yet ;-)