A Season's Vision

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Snow heavily falls outside the kitchen window as Lorna places her last tray of cookies in the oven. Leaning on the window-seal, she allows her eyes to get immersed in the beauty of the fallen frozen white water that slowly blankets the entire ground. This time of year has been favored by her ever since she was just a young toddler. The traditions within her close-knit Italian family always made the season a special one. That's why she knows it's up to her to share them with Nicky—her girlfriend for nearly three years, who's never had the chance to experience a blissful Christmas growing up.

The faint sound of a door opening turns Lorna way from the window to peak out into the living room. A soft smile appears when she sees Nicky enter their shared apartment. She quickly fixes a cup of freshly brewed coffee, carefully carrying it in the other room. Her eyes peer up into the redhead's as she gently hands her the cup—a faint irritation is noticed.

"Did ya have a hard day at work, hon? Why ya look so mad?" The brunette softly inquiries, gently grabbing a hold of one of Nicky's hands and caressing it tenderly with her thumb.

Nicky feels the frustration immediately disintegrate with her girlfriend's gentle touch. With the mug in one hand, she uses her other to pull Lorna's head onto her shoulder and presses a tender kiss atop it. "You're so sweet, kid. Thanks for the coffee—need it after the awful time I had driving home. So sick of this damn cold weather," she pulls the shorter woman down next to her on the couch she's settled herself on.

Brushing the tips of her fingers tenderly against Nicky's lightly shivering arms, Lorna gazes softly into her brown orbs. "What happened? Snowy roads?" Her arms gently envelop around the other, pulling her in for a comforting embrace.

"The damn car wouldn't start—had to fuckin' call for service and the dumb kid had no clue what the hell he was doing! Took him three damn jumps to get the thing started. And then to top off my frustrating night, a deer decided to cross the street...as slowly as he possibly could. Fuckin' shit."

Delicately placing her girlfriend's head into her lap, the brunette sighs sadly while stroking her hand soothingly across her forehead. Her eyes peer warmly down at her. "This is why ya needa get a new car. You've had that thing for at least a decade—it ain't that good anymore. I don't want ya driving an unreliable piece of shit, hon," she firmly pleads, brushing her fingers comfortingly through Nicky's thick hair.

"I'm sorry ya've had such a bad night—what can I do to make it better, honey?"

Reaching her hands upwards, Nicky frames them tenderly around Lorna's face. A soft smile forms on her own. "You're already doing it, kid. Just layin' here with you is perfect. And damn is this coffee good! I didn't know ya were a barista in your past life," she jokes, pressing her lips warmly over top of the brunette's.

With a light laugh, the younger woman shakes her head and strokes her lips back over her girlfriend's. Her brown orbs gaze warmly into Nicky's; she runs a hand through her a hair. "Maybe we can watch a Christmas movie? And then ya can help me finish backing cookies for tomorrow—if ya wanna, of course?"

"Whatever makes you happy, kid," Nicky gently responds, nuzzling herself closer to the petite Italian. She snakes her arms tight around the brunette's neck, letting her fingertips brush delicately against it.

Wrapping her arms softly around her, Lorna gently pulls her closer. Her lips press warmly atop her head as she reaches for the remote that sits on the end table. "It's a Morello tradition to watch A Christmas Story the night before Christmas Eve—so we gotta watch that! Ya ever seen it, Nicky? It's a Christmas classic," her head lightly rests atop Nicky's while she searches through the channels for the desired movie.

"I mighta seen it once or twice. Wasn't much of a Christmas lover growin' up—not with Marka. She sure didn't go outta her damn way to make a big deal about any holidays."

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