I'm a Witch

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Bella's POV:

"Morning Mione." I say, walking into my best friend's house. One might be considered a trespasser, but I basically live here anyway to Mrs. Granger said I could just walk on in. Same with Mione and my house.

I sit down next to her at their breakfast table and Mrs. Granger sets a plate of food in front of me. "Did you get a letter today?" She asks me. "Actually I got two. I haven't opened them yet, but I brought them with me. "I got one from a place called Hogwarts." She says, holding up a letter.

I hold up my two as well. "Very strange." She says as if she's thinking about something. After breakfast we run up to her room and sit on her bed to open the letters. We open the one we both have first. I read mine aloud.

"Dear Miss Taylor, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." I say. My eyes widen. "Is this some kind of joke?" Hermione asks. I shake my head. "I think this is real." I say. "Wicked. So, we're like witches?" She asks.

"I guess so." I say. "Read your other one." She tells me. I nod and open it. "Miss Taylor, we are pleased to announce your acceptance into Beauxbaton's Academy of Magic. With your veela background, you are perfect for our school. We look forward to having you." I say.

"What's a veela?" Hermione asks. "No idea." I say. "Well, which one are you going to be going to?" She asks me. "Hogwarts obviously. I can't slip this pair up, we'd get ourselves killed with out the other." I say, laughing.

"You're right, come on, let's go tell our parents about this. Bring your parents here and we can share together." She says. I nod and we race downstairs, me, out of the house. I run into my house.

"Mum, dad, come on, Hermione and I have something to share with you and her parents." I say. They nod and follow me to the Granger house. When all four parents are on the couch Hermione and I begin speaking.

"Both of us have received letters from a school by the name of Hogwarts and we wish to attend. It's supposedly a school for witches and wizards." Hermione says. My parents look nervous and hers look confused. "Hermione darling, there is no such thing." Mr. Granger says.

"Yes there is. Both Henry and I possess magic. I am a veela." My mum says. Her and my dad pull out two sticks which I'm guessing are wands. The Granger's and my eyes open wide. "How could you not tell me this?" I ask.

"We're sorry, but we want to live as just muggles for a little bit." Dad says. "Muggles?" I ask. "Non magical folk. Hermione's parents are both muggles." Mum says. "Oh, ok then." Mrs. Granger says.

"I guess tomorrow we can take you all to Diagon Alley to get school supplies and we'll send an owl to the School telling them you're coming." The rest of the day my parents tell us all about the wizarding world. It sounds amazing. That night I stay at Hermione's house.

The next morning she jumps on top of me to wake me up. "Wake up Bella, we're going to Diagon Alley today. We're going to the wizarding world!" She yells. I groan and shove her off of me. "Ok, I'm up, now leave she I can get dressed." I tell her. She nods rapidly and runs out of the room.

I chuckle at her and climb out of bed, walking over to the small stash of clothes I keep over here since I'm always here. I change into a long sleeved teal shirt, jean shorts, teal converse, and a teal beanie. My straight blonde hair is is down all the way to my hips. 

When I am pleased with my appearance I head downstairs. "Finally. I've been waiting ages." Hermione says. "Well I'm done now. Are your parents coming to Diagon Ally?" I ask her. "No, they have to work, they said they'd take us next year though." She says. 

"Ok, come on, my parents must be waiting." I say. She nods and we run over to my house. When we walk in the door my mum is waiting. "You two sit and eat something or else we're not going." She says with a stern look. We nod and rush to sit down and eat the pancakes in front of us. 

Once we finish mum already has her purse ready. "Your father has to work but he said he loves you." Mom says. I nod and smile at her. We get into mum's car and drive to the heart of London. We reach a small pub by the name of the Leaky Caldron. "Mum, what is this place?" I ask her. 

"One of the entrances to Diagon Alley, now come on, let's go." She says as we get out of the car. We walk inside. "Hello Madison, haven't seen you in a while." The bar tender says. "It has been a minute Tom, how are you?" Mum asks. 

"Fine, just fine. This must be Miss Arabella and her friend." Tom says. "Yes, now I would love to stay and chat, but I need to get these girls their school supplies." She says. "Ok, come in whenever you feel like." He says. Mum nods before leading us out back. 

When we get there there's a brick wall. "Um, mum, that's a brick wall, where is the entrance to Diagon Alley?" I ask her. "Just relax darling and watch." She says, taking her wand out. Using it she taps several bricks on the wall before stepping back and putting her wand away. 

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