These houses are based on Halsey's sophomore album "Hopeless Fountain Kingdom". The houses are inspired by the famous houses of Romeo & Juliet.
Aureum - This house is rather bold, rebellious, and deceiving, they are often blamed for much of the conflict within the Hopeless Fountain Kingdom. (Parallels the Montague family)
Angelus - Almost the opposite of house Aureum, these people are reserved, honorable, passive, follow authority and are calm. (Parallels the Capulet family)
Aries: Aureum
Taurus: Angelus
Gemini: Aureum
Cancer: Angelus
Leo: Aureum
Virgo: Angelus
Libra: Angelus
Scorpio: Aureum
Sagittarius: Aureum
Capricorn: Angelus
Aquarius: Aureum
Pisces: Angelus