Scene I - Segment I - The Carnival Of Night

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Rose's POV :

I sat at the edge of the bed and stared at the moon through the large glass.

"You need to rest.. " I sighed as I remembered his words and fell on the bed on my back.

I am bored and it's.. It's so not nice! I never sat this ideal and I don't get to move an inch. If I get up to even fetch a glass of water, a maid would do it and while Henry is away, Mr. Aldrick takes good care of me making sure I don't have to do a single thing.

Once I asked if I could go to the palace's kitchen and make something out of chocolate but Mr. Aldrick won't allow it unless Henry says so. Everything a girl would wish is presented but I never really expected it. I love every thing and every day but it's boring while Henry is out for hours and sometimes he comes back late at night when I am asleep.

Or I just pretend to.

I can't sleep without him and if he is late I don't sleep. He has caught me pretending many a times and I did get a mild scolding for being restless because of him.

I stood up from the bed and walked towards the balcony to, sliding the glasses open. The soft cool breeze kissed my skin and I wrapped my arms around myself smiling gently to myself. The view is beautiful and my sight fell at the golden lights.

The shimmering patch in the Kingdom with a giant ferris wheel woke up the child in me. I remember how father used to take me to the annual carnival and would win me a teddy or buy my favorite chocolate ice cream. Even if he was short of money, he would still get me something and I would set up a lemonade stand the next day or help the old lady shopkeeper beside me to earn a little and sneak it in papa's purse.

I grew up doing those small things and they made up very nice memories. I wasn't even acquainted with the dark side of this empire but when he pulled me to this side, for sometime I was lost then he wrapped his strong wings around me and turned it into a fairytale.

He is an illusionist and everything he does sets me in a whirl. I forgot the harsh reality.

I placed my palms on the rails and leant a little. I wanted to visit that Carnival but Mr. Aldrick won't let me at this hour of night and neither will Henry, I suppose.

I sighed in disappointment and took a step back until I smelt the same fresh autumn breeze and two black gloved hands clutched my waist and pulled me back.

I giggled at the touch, not to mention I am really ticklish and he always takes advantage of it.

His hand brushed my hair to a side and he placed a warm kiss on my shoulder, "I told you not to stand out for long. You will catch a cold." Henry whispered huskily and I furrowed my eyebrows.

I turned around in his arms and looked up at his warm brown eyes. He quietly stared back as if we were having a staring competition and I lost due to blushing hard.

Why does he have to be so attractive?

He grinned when he knew he had won and suddenly picked me up in his strong arms. "Let's get inside, it's cold."

"No no no!" I protested and placed my hands on his chest.

He glanced down at me and I spoke in a small innocent whisper, "I want go out."

"And why does Rose want to go out?"

I watched him with a smile and pecked his lips then tilted my head in the direction of the Kingdom where the Carnival was held. "Because Rose wants to see the Carnival..." His eyes narrowed and I gulped, "... please."

"But it is very cold outside, doll and I don't think taking you there is right." He gently spoke as he took me inside and shifted the glasses shut with his foot.

"Why not?" I whined and he settled me on the bed, taking off his jacket then he moved to my closet and brought a warm sweater. "Wear this, Rose." He handed me the sweater but rather helped me with it himself.

I wiggled and shook my head, "Please. I really want to see it. I understand you must be tired after a long day but.. I don't like staying alone, locked in our bedroom." I whispered and he placed a small kiss on my lips.

Bending down on a knee before me, he cupped my face with his hands and instructed, "Look, Rose. I know you feel alone and want to go out and trust me I am not at all tired for you but taking you to such a Carnival is not safe."

"But I used to visit when I was a child. Papa always took me there." I pouted.

"Yes, but now you have bloomed... " He eyes trailed down to my parted lips and his thumb traced it's outline softly. "It was a nice place to visit a few years back but now, that night Carnival is mostly filled with people you would generally avoid. If you understand. That's why it takes place at late nights and nowadays no decent family visits it." He explained the reason as his features softened, "If you would have asked earlier by the day or evening I could have taken you but it's already past ten."

I know he was right but I didn't want to suppress the urge to visit it," Please.. " My lower lip quivered and I leant closer to him, "Please, please. It will be alright. I will be alright."

I knew there was some other reason he didn't want to take me to that place but I couldn't make it out. May be because he didn't want me to be seen by any one familiar at this hour of night?

I placed my lips on his gently and stayed like that for a few seconds till he waited for me to make my move but I rather pulled away without kissing which I know irked him. "That is not acceptable, doll." His irritated expression was rather cute and I suppressed my smile.

He grabbed my arms and pulled me to him to kiss my lips hard but I quickly turned my head so he kissed my cheek. "You must be hungry, let's have the dinner first." I changed the topic with a black expression like nothing happened but I could sense him glaring at me.

I got up and started picking up his jacket to straighten it up but he pulled it off my hand and grabbed me by my waist to crash his lips with mine. His hot tongue slipped in between my parted lips and his hands firmly held my back so I didn't fall. He sucked my lower lip and I moaned loud clutching on his white shirt. My eyes shut close with my mind running wild. His tongue fought with mine and I surrendered in his hold when he slowed his vigorous kisses down into soft gentle pecks.

"Go change up. I am taking you out." He whispered in my ear. I smiled wide at him and kissed his cheek in delight.


Segment 2 will be released soon. :)

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