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"BAEKHYUN." Chanyeol jolted up from his slumber. With sweat dripping from his body. It was night and the lights were dimmed and everyone was sure to be asleep except for a new nurses strolling around to check on patients.

The giant wanted to find his brunette. He wanted find out what had happened, so he plucked out the needles connecting to his wrist and set out his room to find his Baekhyun.

He padded along the cold hallways peeping into the small glass screen on every door until he found his angel sleeping pleasefully in one. Baekhyun looked more calmer and brighter now.

Chanyeol  tiptoed into the room and carefully sat beside the brunette. Afraid he might wake the beauty up. Chanyeol gazed at Baekhyun as tears filled his eyes. He cradled the beautiful doctors face, but quickly bent down to control his tears from flowing. When he raised his head up again his eyes met with that of the brunettes chocolate coloured orbs.

"Hey." Baekhyun whispered smiling sweetly as he lent into Chanyeols touch. It felt so warm and relaxing.

"He..Hey." The taller stuttered looking at the boy.

"I asked for you, They said you fainted. And wouldn't let me get off the bed." Baekhyun sighed and played with his bed covers.

"I..I...was afraid I'd loose you and  the..our..ba..baby." The shut his eyes. He opened it again when he felt a cold arm touch his cheek and caress it lovingly.

"Hush baby dont cry...We..I mean Mommy and baby both are fine. The Doctor said we love you so much that both of us fought to be with Daddy." Baekhyun smiled radiantly as a dark shade of pink painted his pale cheeks. His palm traced down the tallers nape and gripped his collar,pulling him closer so they were just inches away from each others lips.

"I..am sorry for everything I did to you..for hurting you..I'm sorry." Chanyeol took in a deep breath to stop himself wailing out.

"You dont have to feel sorry honey. It wasnt your fault. But I'm hurt a bit and I hate you for not remembering an important thingy." Baekhyun sniffled and pouted 

"Like...How our baby crawled into your stomach hmm?" Chanyeol smirked as his long fingers walked their way under Baekhyuns bedsheet and under his shirt and over his stomach.
Baekhyun jittered at the sudden touch and giggled.

"Yah..It tickles. You've remember?" Baekhyun raised his eyebrow.

"Yes. Every tiny detail. Every mole on your body. Every curve. How you looked under me. Your sinf..." Chanyeol went on and teased Baekhyun red. The smaller crashed his lips onto the tallers. To stop the idiot from embarassing him further.

"Yah..How can you kiss me when you hate me?" Chanyeol pouted looking at a grinning Baekhyun.

"Who could love you the way I do Yeollie. No matter how much they try they could never beat me. For my love for you loves runs deeper than the oceans. I love you so much that I want to spend every second with you." Baekhyun huskily whispered as he wrapped his arms around Chanyeols neck and hugged him tightly.

"I Love you so much to baby." Chanyeol caressed the smallers back body.

"I cant sleep the pillows arent comfortable, Lend me your chest." The smaller winned.

"Sure. Anything for my gorgeous doctor." Chanyeol chuckled plopping next to Baekhyun who snuggled into him and fell asleep.

Months passed and Chanyeol had recovered a lot. He was training under Yoora so he could become the CEO and she could finally step down and live her life.

Baekhyun was four months pregnant and always threw tantrums. Taeyeon and ordered him to stay at home until the baby was born, as she thought an asylum wasn't a good place for a pregnant person.

He would pout all day. And cry when Chanyeol gets a bit late to return home. He would glare at the taller until he was kissed deeply everymorning. Forget it and he would turn into a mini devil. His baby was round and cute which Chanyeol loved to caress.

The giant was happy that he was with his eternal love and the fact that he would be a father.

Kris well his punishment was brutal. Well he deserved it. Chanyeol had locked him up in the same room at the asylum that Chanyeol had been suffering for years.

"That would slowly drive him crazy. He deserves his own treatment." He said. Chanyeol would often visit and provoke him to insanity.

And Kris was droven half crazt now and he wailed every night about meaningless stories. But no one felt sorry for him.

Chanyeol stood at the door step until Baekhyun comes. He nervously inhaled and exhaled and was a bit anxious when the smaller came down.

"How do I look Yeol?" Baekhyun grinned swirling around slowly. He had on a pink hoodie and blue tights. With black shoes.

"Beautiful as always baby." Chanyeol chuckled kissing the smallers cheek as he pulled him to the car.

"Channieyeollie..Where are we going. I'm tired." Baekhyun pouted hanging his head out the window like a puppy.

"You'll see baby." Chanyeol smiled as they drove into a familiar garden.

"Ohhh..We are in grannys place." The smaller squeeled as he jumped out of the car and ran into the arms of the silver haired lady.

"Awe look at you. You look gorgeous son." She giggled as she took him into a garden of roses.

"Woow granny. I'm so happy. Yoy look pretty yourself." Baekhyun giggled as he skipped next to the grandmother but stopped abruptly when he saw a stupid Taeyeon jumping up and down. A crazy Jimin carrying her higher. A beautiful Yoora. And his parents. His brother who looked as if he won a gold medal and lastly his goofy giant who stood red in shyness.

"Yeo..llie?" Baekhyun asked confused as he walked closer and held Chanyeols hand. Granny leaving him with a knowing smile.

He was shocked when Chanyeol slid down from his hold and landed on his left knee.

"Wha..Whats go..going on Yeollie?" The smaller asked in a soft voice.

"Byun Baekhyun, It was love at first sight when I layed my eyes on you. I never could explain exactly how I felt. But I felt amazing. I know, I have wronged you a lot. And hurt you to an extent that I would forever be guilty for.

I...I...wasn't in my right senses all these years but I swear my heart always waited and loved you.

You broke me by pretending to love me then but fell in love with me instead. And now you've fixed me up with all your tiny pieces that I could never go mad. Well I am crazy in the head though a little. Everyone is.

Baek..I want to spend my entire span if life with you by my side. As my wife. And the mother children of my children.As you are to gorgeous to be a boy. I wish our unborn daughter or son. I dont know since you refused to see, would turned out be like you.

Please will you take my hand and guide me to my future. I swear an ocean of happiness would befall you. My gorgeous godly perfect flawless porcelain skinned beautiful Byun Baekhyun, Will you marry me?" Chanyeol grinned from ear to ear as tears welled up inside big dreamy almond shaped eyes.

"I...I want our baby to be just like you..And..And you..you crazy giant..Yes I will marry you. Dont you dare marry anyone else. Or I'll hunt you down and kill you." Baekhyun chuckled as he choked on his sobs.

Chanyeol smiled as he pulled out a ring that was made by a rose bud and its stem. The stem curled into a ring shape as the bud sat on the middle. He slid it onto the slender finger that the smaller stuck out.

"Awe Channie so cute." Baekhyun bounced holding his baby bumb.

"Now gently remove it." The taller said getting up.

Baekhyun slowly held the rose bud and gently pulled it off to see white gold ring with silver cravings on it.

"Omg..I might die its so beautiful." Baekhyun jumped onto Chanyeol as the taller kissed the smaller with pure unmeasurable love and passion. A tear rolled down the tallers cheek as thet kissed under the gazes of their loved ones.

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