Seven Royals,
Prince of Gwacheon, Kim Seokjin
Lord Min Yoongi from Daegu
Prince of Gwangju, Jung Hoseok
Prince of Ilsan, Kim Namjoon
Lord Park Jimin from Busan
Prince of Daegu, Kim Taehyung
and lastly,
Prince of Busan, Jeon Jungkook.
You, the se...
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|"and suddenly, we were strangers again"|
"First up, Princess Y/N"
You bit your bottom lip, trying not to panic any time. It was true, that you didn't practice for your vocals exam. You thought it was in next week but then you remembered, the christmas holidays begin next week.
This situation reminded you what happened last year. It was just the same. You forgot you had vocal exams and came school but to embarass yourself infront of your classmates. Later that day, you were terribly bullied and teased by Jungkook and you would've slit your throat down if it weren't for Hyora. She kept whispering sweet things in your ear, such as 'I will kill Jungkook for teasing you, tell me the word'.
You were thankfull to have a wonderfull person as Kim Hyora in your life. She's a princess that inspired everyone and that's why Jungkook fell for her. No one could possibly think about disliking her in your school.
Jasmine tapped your finger. "Y/N, what're you waiting for? Don't think about last time and just go" She whispered to you.
"You have a beautiful voice Y/N. Our class didn't have a chance to hear it last year and now it's your time to show it. Go!" Eunhee gave you some words of inspiration and you stood up from your seat, you were glued on for the past few second as you heard you were the first one to go.
You took calm breaths and stood infront of the camera as the professor instructed. You looked behind it and saw your classmates watching you with blank expressions.
Jasmine and Eunhee silently cheered for you but Eunhee shouted a "THAT'S MY BEST FRIEND OVER THERE!". You mentally slapped yourself when everyone turned their attention towards Eunhee and let out small laughs.
Prince Taehyung held a tumbs up in the air, making you smile but your nervousness did not go away. Jimin on the other hand clapped quietly before the test was even started. You laughed, at least glad that there were some people who would cheer for you.
Your gaze stopped on Jungkook, who was staring at you with a smirk, his arm around Hyora's shoulders. You wanted so badly to wipe that annoying yet sexy smirk of his. Hyora gave you a big smile, silently saying you that you got this.
You nodded at the professor, telling him to start the instrumental version of the song you were about to sing.
You didn't practice the song very much because it was produced and sang by two people you adored only two or three weeks ago.