Winter and Spring [2/2]

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Yuta would stare at the silver lettering on his wrist, completely amused with the words scribbled neatly on his skin. It had been there since he was born, meaning the love of his life was either born the same day he was or they were older. At first, he was ashamed of the small letters on his wrist as they were in a language he couldn't understand, meaning his soulmate wasn't Japanese.

He remembered his parents' faces; that they just seemed disappointed that their only child was going to marry someone Korean. They wanted to believe it was just someone Japanese who could speak the language, which was entirely possible especially with the rising popularity of kpop in their country, but Yuta knew it wasn't going to be that easy.

Now in his twenties, he discovered a while ago that he shouldn't be ashamed of his soulmate. This person was going to be the love of his life; his best friend. He was going to live a happy life with this person, and to him love won. With the newfound determination he found in himself, he learned Korean, wanting to at least put some effort into finding this person.

He smiled sadly to himself when he finally figured out what the phrase on his wrist read, "are you ok?" he recited aloud, tracing over the letters with his eyes. How caring must this person be to ask a complete stranger they barely knew to share what's in their thoughts at that moment. It warmed his heart and made him more determined.

They were waiting for him and he knew it.

There were multiple times in a day where he's sit there and think of his soulmate. What were they doing? Were they eating well? Were they as lonely as he was feeling at the moment? Yuta had to admit, he was already in love with this person and he has yet to actually meet them and it was a strange feeling for him.

So when he failed to find them in Korea after searching for about two months, he was growing kind've desperate. He knew it wasn't going to be simple, no one could find their soulmate with a snap of a finger, but he couldn't deter the sense of urgency that overcame him.

There were multiple times where Yuta just wanted to give up and go back home to Japan, but he couldn't bring himself to do it knowing that his soulmate was still waiting for him somewhere out there. Somehow his determination over shadowed his feelings of hopelessness and he was grateful for it.

He silently trekked through the streets of Seoul, heading where his feet could possibly take him. If it was actual fate that'll lead them together, then wouldn't it better to just let fate take its course?

Yuta watched his surroundings carefully, checking for anyone that might stand out from the crowd. There were a few people he could pick out, but he guessed it was because they were wearing bright colors. It was always like this, just a lot of standing at the corner of a street, eyeing anyone who could literally be the one.

But, as always, he couldn't find them. He attempted to speak to a number of them, but they'd just look at him strangely and leave.

And during those times he'd sigh and glance back down at his wrist, reading and caressing the words, looking for a sense of comfort in them. It was, of course, the only thing he really had left. After he left for Korea, his parents warned him multiple times that if he went, he was to go without their help financially; like pressing a reset button.

He took his chances, and set off on a life of his own, eating away ever so slowly at the money he'd managed to save up over the years of part time and full time jobs.

Yuta just wasn't one to spend money if it wasn't necessary.

The crowds around him buzzed with life, and he followed a small group as they crossed the street, pacing behind them with his hands in his pockets. He glanced to his side, catching a girl staring at him intently from her car. Brown met brown, and he watched her tense up the moment their eyes met. Her heart shaped lips parted slightly, and he wondered what that was about.

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