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Mary Shelley was 19 when she wrote "Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus", a classical horror story infused with Romantic elements but also bearing strong elements of science fiction and even fantasy. It made her world-famous, spawned many films and inspired an even larger amount of  fiction stories .

"Frankenstein's Guide" is one of them. Not a horror story (I promise!) but a true cozy mystery and, following my own tradition, laced with magical realism and romance.

If you want to know more about Mary Shelley and her creation there's a crash course up top which is as hilarious as it is informative.

What "Frankenstein's Guide" is all about:

It's day one of the Litera Tours trip following "Frankenstein's" footsteps, and JESSICA WORDSWORTH is in trouble. What seems to be a running gag—tourists getting lost at regular intervals—turns into something much more sinister when a Cambridge don is found dying in the underground cavern of a historic waterwork. 

It could have been an accident—if it weren't for the calling card left at the scene. "For Mary" it reads, and neither Jessica nor the local police can make heads or tails of the strange comment.  

Hands full with panicky tourists, Jessica, "Ike" to her friends, has to call in the help of the Litera Tours senior partner, GARY SANDS, 13th (!) Baron of Nettlehole. His baronial pile having turned the proverbial heap, the tour company—masterminded by his recently deceased wife—has to be a success or he's terminally in the dumps. Jessica, whose ex has stripped her of all assets, even getting custody of the family cats, is in the same boat. Or touring coach, for what it matters.

Unfortunately, they can't stand each other . . . 

Warning: This story contains a corgie, a French coach driver, good old fashioned Oxford versus Cambridge rivalry, secret documents, lies, and plot twists galore, a ruthless killer--and hearing aids. Not necessarily in that order, though.

If you're allergic to either of these, please notify your tour guide. Thank you. Not sure she will be able to help you with the monster, though.

Ooops - strike the monster, that was meant to be a surprise!

"Sibylline Greetings", sequel to Frankenstein's Guide, is available and updating once a week. 

I had so much fun writing both novels, and I am chuffed that they have been chosen for Wattpad's Paid Stories, yay! This is important to me. As a writer, it means a lot to know that readers will be able to support my work and that I can make money from writing. It's my dream, I would like to give it a chance, and I see this programme as the right step at the right time.

The stories are available in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, the US, the UK, Mexico, Spain and all Latin American countries as well as the Philippines.

If you would like to know more, please check out the programme here https://www.wattpad.com/paidstories/faq-eng.html

Otherwise, I offer you a total of SEVEN stories you can read for FREE, anywhere on the globe.

Whatever you do - I hope you will have a great time.

This novel was first published on Wattpad on 3 January 2018; all rights are exclusively mine. It must not be copied, not even in excerpts, without my explicit consent. If you read this story on any other platform than Wattpad, it has been pirated, and you risk virus infection.

Frankenstein's Guide (Book 1, the LiteraTours Cozy Mystery Series)Where stories live. Discover now