6. | Sledding

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The smell of coffee filled your nostrils you loved the smell of coffee (yes you work at a Cafe and sorry if you don't like the smell-) for some reason today it just seemed a bit slow, too slow for your own liking.

You Question why you still choose to work in a place like this. You told yourself before you moved here that you weren't going to work at another Cafe or food restaurant ever again.

Yet, it was the only thing that you were good at. Anyways the only thing you didn't like was the rude people, If you didn't get an order right you would get the back end of the stick.

But, right now the most important thing that bothered you today was your co-workers. They were being lazy as usual except for the other girl Lexi (Also sorry if your name is Lexi you can change it to something else if it is-) who you seemed to get along very well.

The others, not so much. They didn't seem to like you very much but frankly, you didn't give a damn why they thought about you.
You only cared about making a living to survive, this wasn't high school anymore it was just plain childish.

"I swear, I don't understand them," Lexi said pausing looking at the others leaning on the broom while you were cleaning off the tables and such. it was only 1:30 in the afternoon, you texted and told Edd to come early since it was a slow day.

"Eh, I could care less about them. I do know that our boss needs to give us a higher paycheck since we do all the damn work around here, mostly." You told her. She nodded in agreement and went back to sweeping.

Just then the door had opened and all eyes including yours looked up to see who had entered, it was Edd. He just stood there Awkwardly as the whole place fell silent.
You finished what you were doing and changed into your daily clothing before walking over to Edd and pulling him out of the Cafe.

"See ya Lexi, bye lazy fucks!" You could have sworn you heard a can crush after you said that but you didn't care if they were mad or not. "So you ready?" Edd asked you nodded "Ready as I'll ever be!"


"Wow, this is the biggest hill I've ever seen." You told Edd, both of you thought it was a good idea to just go down the biggest hill there was and this one you found was by far the biggest one.

Edd smirked handing you the sled, Edd would have brought two but the other sleds belonged too Tom and Matt so you had to share his. Ladies first." You gulped looking down "Whats the matter, you scared?" You looked back at Edd and took the board placing it at the edge and sat down.

You took a deep breath closing your eyes.
"I'm ready." You said. "Don't close your eyes." You opened them back up gripping on to the sled. "Just push me Edd!" Edd gave you a huge shove as you went down, at first you screamed but then you laughed at how exciting it was.

It went super fast.
Finally, after some time, it stopped at the end.
You giggled like a child getting up and taking the sled back up the hill.

You couldn't wipe that smile off your face you giggled again. "That was so much fun I a haven't done that in a long-" You paused when you saw a tint of pink dusted on Edd's cheeks.
"Are you blushing?" You asked raising a brow, he flinched.
"What!? Psssh no!" He waved a hand at you.

You squinted your eyes at him. "You sure about that?" Edd looked nervous a bit
"Y-Yes! It's just the cold that's making me look like I am!" You chuckled "Okay then If you say so!" You chuckled and then giggled.

Edd just scoffed and got on the sled and you pushed him down.
Whenever he came back up he then said: "We should go down together." He asked, and that made your face hot and a bit of Pink dusted your cheeks now, Edd gasped and then smirked.

"Oh whoops! is somebody blushing?" He teased. You covered your face in embarrassment. "N-No! It's just the cold!" You said. "Mhm, sure it is!" He continued to smirk. "Let's just ya know.."
Edd chuckled as he sat on the sled.

He noticed you didn't get on and looked back at you. "Well?" You were looking down at the sled and looked up at him when he spoke.
"Are you going to get on or what?" You sighed "Y-Yeah, yeah." And sat behind him.

It was kind of awkward having to wrap your arms around your crushes waist.
Edd wasted no time and grabbed both of your arms and placed them around his torso.

Again you blushed a darker shade of pink and rested your head on his back and smiled.
His smell, it always amazed you and made you smile every time.
You felt warm just with both of your bodies temperatures together in this bitter cold weather. "Ready!?" Edd asked in excitement. "Mhm! I'm ready!" You said back in the same tone.

You could also just hear your heart beating in your head, and feel his.
Edd pushed the sled with his foot and down you, both went down the hill.
You both laughed and giggled together.

Both of you did this for a while until the sunset.

Edd dropped you off at your house pulling into your driveway.
"I had fun Edd, maybe we can do this again sometime. Or maybe go ice skating?" Edd smiled. "Me too, and sure yeah." You smiled back as you opened the door walking up to your door.
"Hey, (Y/n?)!?" He called.
You paused, looked back and went back to the car.

"Goodnight, uh yeah goodnight." You smiled again and so did he.
"Goodnight cola boy."
Edd chuckled and you giggled.
You then went inside as Edd left, what a day it's been.

Eh sorry, this isn't much but it's something :)
And I know this ended like the other one but meh oh well.

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