My New Life

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Stepfanie's P.O.V.

"Stepfanie get you stupid ass down here right now." My dad yelled at me from downstairs. "Coming Dad." When i got downstairs my dad was sitting in his chair with a beer in his hand. I knew that this wouldnt end good. "Go make me a sandwhich now." "Yes sir." I quickly went into the kitchen and made my dad his sandwhich then i brought it to him. I gave the sandwhich to him and he started eating it, i waited there until he said something. All of a sudden i felt a hand connect with my face.

I fell to the ground. " What kind of sandwhich is this you stupid son of a btich." I tried to get up but he threw his beer bottle at me the glass connecting with my stomach. " Get the fuck out of here i dont wanna see your face. Your so fucking ugly." I ran up to my room tears streaking down my face. I just didnt understand why my dad did this to me i always tried to be the best daughter ever but, i was just a mistake and he let me know that everyday. 

As for my mom shes nowhere to be seen. i havent heard from ever since she walked out on me and my dad when i was 3. Now im 14 and living with and abusive alchohalic because of her. And my troubles didnt just stop at home i was getting bullied and beat into a pulp everyday. Just the thought of this made me want to cry. i needed something to release my pain i needed to cut i needed my blade. I  went to my bathroom and got my blade out and made multiple cuts on my arm just letting the blood fall drip off of me.

I got up and got a towel and wiped the blood of my arm then went back into my room and took out my phone. My phone was the only thing keeping me from killing myself that and my one and only idol Demi Lovato.  i unlocked my phone and opened it my phone had some notifications from twitter and what i saw made me want to scream. Demi lovato would be coming to Florida on her Neon Lights Tour. Oh my gosh i cannot belive this im actually going to see Demi Lovato live in concert.

I went on Demi's websites and purchased the tickets. Oh yeah i forgot to mention my dad gave my own credit card that gets money put in it every week. i have no idea where my Dad is getting all this money from but frankly i really dont care.( see what i did there lol) I also booked a hotel next to the area where she would be preforming. Now all i had to do was survive a week with my dad and school and id be home free.

The next day i woke up i had tear streaks down my face. I guess i had cryed myself to sleep again that night. You know sometimes i wonder why i was put on this earth, i mean other then to serve as a human punching bag to my dad and the kids at shcool but other then that why. i slowly got out of bed and took a shower then got dressed for school. I put on a long sleve shirt then i put on my hoodie so people wouldnt see my scars then i put on some jeans. I grabbed my backpack and left for school.

i was casually walking to my locker my earphones in, my head down when i was knocked into some lockers. When i looked up i was surronded by a group of kids and my worst nightmare Sarah. "Well well well look who we have here." " Get up." I quickly scrambled to me feet only to be knocked back down by her punching me in the stomach. It literally felt like somone sucked all of the air out of my body. I tried to get up but she kicked me back down. Then she told her group of friends to take care of me. They started punching me and kicking me and once they were done they left me there bleeding and crying.

After regaing my composure I got up and went to the bathroom i went into a stall took out my blade and started cutting. When i was done i cleaned up my arm and the blood from the beating i took earlier and i slowly walked to class. The late bell had already rung so i knew i was in trouble already so why not take my time. Once i was in front of my class room door i braced myself for the embarresment then i walked into class. " Ms.Scott you are late come and get your detention slip and go to your seat." She handed me my pink slip and i walked to the back of the classroom to get to my seat. But Sarah couldnt leave me alone for just one minute because as i was making my way to my seat she stuck out her foot and tripped me.

I fell on my face hitting the ground hard. The whole class was laughing at me. i quickly got up and ran to my seat. " Listen up class today we will be reading Romeo and Juliet." Ugh great more reading. She handed us books and told us to read independantly. Then a piece of paper hit me. I opened it up and read what it said You are such a fat slut no wonder nobody loves you. As i read the paper i wanted to cry but i had to keep it together. This was the last period of the day. When the bell rang i ran outside and walked home.

I was right outside when Sarah's group of friends jumped me and ran. i slowly picked my self up and went inside. No dad What a suprise. I went upstairs locked my self in the bathroom and started crying. Then i grabbed my blade and started cutting. Wow twice in one day thats an all time low for me. Ugh just 5 more days til the weekend then im heading to my hotel for the concert. No more school for a week. Thankfully there was a break when Demi was coming so i wouldnt have to leave early.

A/n: Hey guys i worked really hard on this story for you guys so i hope you like it. And dont get mad Demi Lovato's P.O.V. will be in the next story i promise.Enjoy.

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